Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Homosexuals (and liberals) always vehemently deny that “gays” and lesbians are more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexuals. In fact, for many, especially in the mainstream media, this is a topic whose name they dare not speak.

In this age of “equality” when homosexuals are “entitled” to adopt and foster children every bit as much as normal married couples, you would imagine that the issue has been thoroughly researched in order to protect children as much as possible.

You would dearly hope so.

But what is the truth? Are homosexuals more likely to abuse children than heterosexuals? Was the government right to force adoption agencies that refused to go along with this new agenda to close their doors or are all animals not equal when it comes to caring for children?

I was inspired to write this post after seeing the adverts on the Pink News website. The main ad banner on the mast head was for Southwark Council who are recruiting people to work with children, adolescents and families. I doubt they would dare advertise on a website dedicated to promoting heterosexuality.

Further down is an ad for the charity Plan, looking for people to sponsor children. The advert beside this one declares, “You can be a queer candy”. I didn’t click on that one.

It has left me wondering if the companies who placed these adverts believe that homosexuals have more of an “interest” in children and so their clients will get better results.

(There was also an ad for a course from Middlesex University: “Do you want to change the face of TV so it reflects the diverse world you live in and the people you know?…We are keen to hear from applications with no or limited experience of the media industry. Applications are encouraged from those with a diverse background or a strong understanding of diversity.”)

Anyway, I have tried Googling for definitive information on the subject of whether homosexuals are more likely to sexually abuse children, but the information seems hard to find.

When talking about the Catholic Church’s paedophile scandal, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican’s permanent observer to the UN, blamed homosexuals in the priesthood,

Of all priests involved in the abuses, 80 to 90 per cent belong to this sexual orientation minority which is sexually engaged with adolescent boys between the ages of 11 and 17.

Tomasi added that it would be “more correct” to refer to ephebophilia, a homosexual attraction to adolescent males, than paedophilia.

Father John Owen, the communications officer for the archdiocese of Cardiff and also a chaplain at Cardiff University, told the BBC that,

most of the offences are being committed by homosexuals and said that teenage boys were the group affected by the “majority” of abuse cases in the United Kingdom, adding: “Now what does that tell you? Now that is a fact.”

The Catholic League’s Bill Donohue reported in a recent Washington Post opinion piece about the origins of the Catholic Church’s child molestation scandals,

More recently, in organs such as the Archives of Sexual Behavior, the Journal of Sex Research, the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy and Pediatrics, it has been established that homosexuals are disproportionately represented among child molesters.

Dr Richard Fitzgibbons, a psychiatrist who has worked with abusive clergy, says,

Every priest whom I treated who was involved with children sexually had previously been involved in adult homosexual relationships.

That Washington Post piece says,

Alfred Kinsey was the first to identify a correlation between homosexuality and the sexual abuse of minors. In 1948, he found that 37 percent of all male homosexuals admitted to having sex with children under 17 years old.

Kinsey is the originator of the famous and fraudulent claim (and one which is still, unfortunately, quoted) that ten percent of the population is homosexual (it is more like 1 – 2%), so I do not imagine he was trying to do any favours here. The true figure could sadly be higher still.

Here is some evidence, at least, that homosexuals are more likely to abuse children. With regard to “gay adoption,” whether sexual abuse takes place or not, many people feel that it is child abuse in itself. Henry Makow writes,

If I were a lawyer, I’d make a specialty of suing the nine Canadian provinces and 15 States that allow same-sex adoption. My clients would be young adults whose lives were destroyed because these jurisdictions ignored their innate heterosexuality. I would wager that this arrogant flouting of nature will cost hundreds of millions in restitution.

Google “coming out” and compare the resources available to young would-be homosexuals with the callous indifference to innocent heterosexual children who don’t have necessary heterosexual role models at home and don’t know what’s wrong.

And he cites the real reason for engineering this “equality”,

This stealth war on heterosexuals (disguised as woman’s and gay rights) is designed to destabilize society in advance of the New World Order. The destruction of the nuclear family has long been the Illuminati Communist goal. They wish to make arrested development (homosexuality) the new norm. Lesbianism is the hidden agenda of feminism. Marriage and family are essential to our natural development. But, despite the deceitful propaganda, most male homosexuals don’t want marriage or children. They want sex.

See this 1969 document from Rockefeller-funded “Planned Parenthood” which plots to promote homosexuality and feminism so as to decrease US fertility. (Berelson-Jaffe Chart)

Because promoting homosexuality is the elite Agenda, the research on same-sex parenting is highly politicized. Thus, we have numerous nonsensical claims that homosexual parenting is as good for the child or better than a stable heterosexual marriage. Here is a study that actually claims that more than half of gay men want to have children! It says that in 2007, an estimated two million GLB people were interested in adopting. An estimated 65,500 adopted children were living with a lesbian or gay parent. More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and gay parents in California, the highest number among the states. Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.

I’m not saying that none of these parents have merit. I am saying that it is wrong to place heterosexual children with homosexual parents.

Society is in the grip of a long-term satanic conspiracy masquerading as “progressive” which is attempting to concentrate all wealth in the hands of the central bankers and their allies. They are re-engineering the human race to serve them in a neo feudal world order.

This is the real “hate” and we won’t be fooled or coerced.

nicked from here


Gaddafi demands £4 billion from EU or Europe will turn 'black'

During an EU-Africa summit, that ended on Tuesday in Tripoli, the Libyan leader described European's economic relationship with the African continent as a "failure".

Unless "Christian, white" countries gave him extra funding, Colonel Gaddafi predicted that Europe would be flooded with illegal immigrants leaving impoverished Africa.

"We should stop this illegal immigration. If we don't, Europe will become black, it will be overcome by people with different religions, it will change," he said.

Read the rest here -




Coalition should be even tougher on immigration, says poll

Taken from todays Telegraph -


Changing Primary Schools in England: 1998 - 2010

Migration Watch report -

Changing Primary Schools in England: 1998 - 2010

1. This paper examines the impact that immigration, much of it from non English speaking countries, has had on our primary schools in the period 1998 to 2010.

2. It examines England as a whole, individual regions, and three groups of Local Education Authorities (LEAs) - London Boroughs, the largest urban boroughs outside London, and the remaining LEAs in England. It also projects the numbers to 2018.

3. The following are the main findings:

a) In total, between 1991 and 2008, there was a net increase of over 2.5 million in long-term immigrants arriving in the UK from non English speaking countries, mostly to settle. There was a net inflow of 2 million of them between 1998 and 2008.

b) The effect has been intensified by the rapid increase in the number of foreign born women of reproductive age. In 2007 this total was nearly 43% higher than in 2001. In contrast, the number of UK born woman of reproductive age was nearly 3% lower in the same period.

c) In the period 1994 to 2009 the proportion of births to foreign born women rose from 14% to 25%.

d) In the period 1998 to 2010, the proportion of children in primary schools in England for whom English was not the mother tongue nearly doubled to 16%, or over half a million out of 3.2 million children.

e) In inner London in 2010 55% of all primary school pupils did not have English as their first language.

f) In outer London the proportion of pupils without English as a mother tongue almost doubled from 22% to 39%.

g) In six out of the nine regions and in England as a whole, the percentage of children without English as a mother tongue almost doubled from 8.5% to 16%.

h) Our projection suggests that the percentage of primary school children in England without English as a mother tongue will increase to 22.7% in 2018, or almost 830,000 - a 60% increase on current numbers.


4. Net immigration into the UK from overseas increased very significantly with the election of the Labour Government in May 1997. In the seven years from 1991 to 1997, it averaged around 41,000 each year; thereafter, in the eleven years to 2008 it averaged around 180,000.

5. Most of this net immigration came from countries where the predominant language is other than English – the European Union (excluding the Irish Republic), ‘New Commonwealth’ countries in Africa and Asia, and other countries outside Europe with few historical or cultural links to the UK – for example, the Democratic Republic of Congo. In the seven years from 1991 to 1997 such net immigration averaged almost 60,000 each year, but in 1998 and thereafter it increased over threefold, averaging almost 200,000 each year to 2008. In total, between 1991 and 2008, there was a net increase of over 2.5 million long term immigrants from non – English speaking countries arriving in the UK, mostly to settle. Figure 1 below shows the approximate trend of net migration from Non-English Speaking Countries between 1991 and 2008.

Read the rest here -



For those of us who see politics as the only way of change, and if you missed this last night like I did I suggest you click on the link to the BBCi webplayer.
As someone who studied Mid-Victorian Britain with the OU (Open University) this sort of documentary fascinates me.
I hope it does the same for you.


I am at a loss for why the BBC have made a programme which is dominated by an HISTORICAL Mono-Culture, which Victorian Britain was, and like all the other eras of Britain before was not and would never consider a Multi-Cultural Britain.
The only thing I can think of is it is trying to restore some Morals into OUR Britain today ?

We can take comfort from this programme in that it shows that WE CAN make a difference.

Our VOICE OF FREEDOM should be to POLITICS TODAY what the LANCET was to VICTORIAN SURGERY and todays Medical proffesion.
Todays POLITICS and POLITICIANS should be as much under scrutiny as the HEALTH PROFFESIONALS were in VICTORIAN BRITAIN.

Look to the past for the reformation of OUR FUTURE. Learn from the past.

Watch carefully, maybe you can see similar problems today that were in evidence then.

Though the Civil Service today are against NATIONALISM (blame the COMMUNIST/MARXIST UNIONS), through those who see NATIONALISTS as an enemy to the COMMUNISM/MARXISM which is rife in todays CIVIL SERVICE, even though the CIVIL SERVICE CODE dictates that they SHOULD be above POLITICS.

Today in Britain, our Victorian past is more than evident as we now have an underclass such as their was in VICTRIAN BRITAIN.
Or Politicians are in it for themselves and not for US.
Should we change it ?
The Victorians did.

I'm up for it..are YOU ?
Are you willing to ask the questions that need to be asked ?
If you are please use the following message, you may edit it as you wish, as certain emails with the exat same message can be classed as JUNK MAIL.

Please use the following message as your template -

The Cost of Equality & Diversity

It has come to my notice that YOUR COUNCIL District Council has a section totally devoted to the promotion of equality and diversity. I don’t understand why we need people employed in such an activity, as it certainly has no relevance for the people of YOUR TOWN and serves no useful purpose.

Folk generally feel that Equality & Diversity means the promotion of alien cultures and religions, at the expense of the demeaning and belittling of all indigenous British values and traditions. It is also believed that positive discrimination, or affirmative action, is used to promote ethnic minorities into positions within local government at the expense of superior qualified indigenous Britons – in particular white heterosexual indigenous males. Whether or not these concerns are true or false, there can be no doubt that the promotion of Equality & Diversity does nothing to improve relations between different cultures; in fact imposing it on the indigenous population can only aggravate the situation. The Anglo-Celtic peoples of these islands should not have to change their culture, traditions and values to appease immigrants - it is the duty of the immigrant to abide by the mores and practices of the British people. If immigrants don’t like it, then they should be encouraged to leave the UK!

We are living in a time of austerity where every person and organization has to reduce their spending, including YOUR COUNCIL District Council - and to most folk’s way of thinking Equality & Diversity is an unnecessary burden imposed on an already impoverished Council Tax payer.

As a Consequence of my concerns, I would be pleased if you can provide me with the following information under the terms and rights allowed under the Freedom of Information Act:

1. Details of all personnel employed by YOUR COUNCIL District Council associated with Equality & Diversity including:

• Job Title

• A brief description of their duties

• Their annual salary

2. The total costs to the local Council Tax payer for implementing Equality & Diversity practices within YOUR COUNCIL District Council over the past year.

3. A brief description of tasks undertaken with regards to Equality & Diversity by YOUR COUNCIL District Council over the past year.

I look forward to receiving your answers within the twenty working days stipulated by the Act.

Yours Sincerely,


Please use the LINK below to find your MP -


Hat tip to http://southwestnationalists.blogspot.com/

Sunday, 28 November 2010



The Dr Foster Hospital report has revealed that at least 19 Hospitals have a higher than average death rate.
With Foreign Doctors, Surgeons, Anesthetists, Nurses etc being overly represented in British Hospitals is it any surprise at the high death rate ?
Those who have been trained as Doctors, Surgeons, Anesthetists Nurses etc abroad, can we have any faith that these Doctors, Surgeons, Anesthetists, Nurses etc are up to the job of keeping those who are in Hospital alive ?
Could many of these deaths have been avoided ?
Are some or all of these deaths deliberate, with many of the higher echelons within the Health Service being predominantly not Indigenous British nor Christian?
How many foreign Doctors, Surgeons, Anesthetists, Nurses etc are purposefully neglecting their British patients or just not able to give the care and services that Britains NHS needs ?

Death rates at 19 NHS hospital trusts in England were alarmingly high last year, according to an influential report.

Two of these trusts - Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust - as well as two others also recorded a high number of deaths after surgery, the Dr Foster Hospital Guide found.

The measures are intended to act as a "smoke alarm" for where problems with care might exist.

Hospitals recorded 62,800 adverse medical events, with 30,500 patients developing avoidable blood clots, more than 13,000 mothers suffering obstetric tears during childbirth, nearly 10,000 accidental lacerations or puncture, about 6,000 patients with pressure sores, more than 2,000 post-operative haemorrhages and 1,300 cases of post-operative blood poisoning.

Trusts also reported 56 incidents of "wrong site" surgery and 150 "foreign objects" left inside patients after an operation.

Researchers said many trusts were not accurately recording incidents of harm to patients, making it harder to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

Roger Taylor, director of research at Dr Foster said: "It is concerning that no hospital in the country can accurately assess the level of adverse events compared with the best achievable rates.

"Blood clots kill more people than superbugs every year - and yet the reporting of blood clots is just not always sufficient to identify and address the problem.

"Dr Foster is asking the Department of Health to review the way this information is recorded and we hope to revisit this topic next year and be able to identify trusts and their rates."

The risk of patients developing a blood clot is increased by most surgical and some medical treatments and conditions. But hospitals can take measures to reduce the risk.

You may also want to follow the following link which is a Freedom Of Information (FOI) request to the General Medical Council (GMC) in regards to ALL HEALTH PROFESSIONS who have been STRUCK OFF (removed) from the GMC Register in the last 5 years 2005-present.

Somethings going so wrong in our Hospitals that Patients are Dying needlessly.
Makes you wonder if it is Hospital Jihad and purposeful negligence in some sort of Racial/Religeous attacks within our Health Service aimed at Patients.
But you can bet your bottom dollar that these questions will not even arise in case of the real Racists screaming racism and discrimination.
The FOI speaks for itself.

Friday, 26 November 2010


last night we attended an excellent meeting in Salfort where the speaker was Marlene Guest from Rotherham.
She gave us an interesting talk on her work to expose council corruption and the successes she had had by her persistance. She pointed out that what goes on in one town will definitely be going on in all towns and encouraged us to use the law to expose the cheats who are supposed to be working for us.
She is a wonderful speaker and her talk although on a serious topic was funny and almost like a comedy routine.
That she was prepared to travel so far from her home town shows her dedication to her work.
I asked her if she would be prepared to talk to us in Wigan and she readily agreed, informing me that one set of her grandparents originated from Wigan.
Never mind the so called animosity between Lancashire and Yorkshire, Marlene showed us how much we have in common.

The poem below was composed by Marlene and it does as poems often do, put in a nutshell what has been and is being done to our country by the traitors and parasites of the "elite".

Keep writing your poems Marlene and carry on your good work.
We must try to emulate you if we are to survive as a people.


Not too long ago i put on this Blog a very strange story about FOUNDATION X, the story was taken from the the House of Parliament and House of Lords HANSARD RECORDS -

Hansard is an edited record of what was said in Parliament. It also includes votes, written ministerial statements and written answers to parliamentary questions. The report is published daily covering the preceding day, and is followed by weekly and final versions.
Transcribing and publishing

Members’ words are recorded by Hansard reporters and then edited to remove repetitions and obvious mistakes but without taking away from the meaning.

I shall ask again....


A bizarre intervention in the House of Lords debate on the Spending Review has been picked up by Hopi Sen. In it, Lord James of Blackheath, most famous as the efficiency expert whose proposed savings were a key plank of Michael Howard’s election platform in 2005, has revealed his secret contacts with a mysterious “Foundation X”, which is prepared to invest billions in gold bullion in the restoration of the British economy.

It’s hard to avoid the conclusion, reading the transcript, that His Lordship has been the victim of a scam of some kind – that, or the Government has been grossly irresponsible in not pursuing this, ahem, golden opportunity.

The entire debate is worth perusing, as the details grow more and more outlandish: for example, Lord James reports that the Government did meet the mysterious Foundation, but analysts came up with “a figure for the amount of bullion that would be needed to cover their [alleged] currency reserves… which would be more than the entire value of bullion that had ever been mined in the history of the world”.

My favourite intervention, however, comes slightly later, in the shape of the marvellously straight-faced response from Lord Myners, the opposition spokesman: “Clearly, the noble Lord has access to the solution that, with one leap, will take all the Government’s problems of financing to a better place. The Minister has clearly been remarkably bad at responding to the noble Lord, and we look forward to the Minister’s explanation now.”

Watch this space for further news…

Update: My colleague Martin Beckford informs me that the leading suspects are the Office of International Treasury Control. And as Auntycensorship points out, the original speech was picked up by Charlie Stross as well as by Hopi.


Why has FOUNDATION X offered to bail out Britain with massive amounts of GOLD AND CASH IN INTEREST FREE LOANS ?

What does FOUNDATION X get out of this ?

FOUNDATION X Pt 1 can be found here

Thursday, 25 November 2010


The British National Party have been warning and informing the Public and Police about the PAEDOPHILIC activities of ASIAN/MUSLIM GANGS who are systematically GROOMING and RAPING young BRITISH GIRLS.

This is not new or unheard of in towns and cities in the North with a large Asian/Muslim presence.
Why ?
Because they have no respect for young BRITISH GIRLS who are seen booty by the ISLAMIC COMMUNITY, the SPOILS OF WAR so to speak.
This PEADOPHILIC activity is not just about one or two ASIAN/MUSLIM MEN befriending young naive and immature girls, though that's how it starts, when they have their trust and friendship these PAEDOPHILIC ASIAN/MUSLIM MEN GANG RAPE YOUNG NON-ASIAN/NON-MUSLIM CHILDREN.

These children are terrified into silence by the threats that these PAEDOPHILES make, threatening to attack the families and homes of the children to force them into silence and to continue the PAEDOPHILIC abuse and rape of these young girls by ASIAN/MUSLIM PAEDOPHILIC GROOMING GANGS
At home, Abid Saddique and Mohammed Liaqat, both of whom were married with young children, were considered clean, upstanding family men as well as devout Muslims.

But once they left their front door and their wives behind, they turned into vodka-swilling, cocaine-binging paedophiles who spent every available moment randomly targeting young girls on the street, befriending them, and then horrifically abusing them.

For over 18 months, dressed “sharply” in designer western clothes, wearing jewellery and sporting short haircuts, the pair cruised the streets of Derby in a silver BMW 5 series with blacked-out windows, approaching girls at random and with a bottle of vodka and plastic cups hidden under the front seats.

The victims, aged between 12-18, ranged from girls in care to a 14-year-old A-grade student from a strong, middle-class home. They were predominantly girls with a troubled background.

They would pick their victims up night and day and from anywhere - at train stations, on estates, in the city centre, walking home from school.

They would be charmed, given drink and drugs, and after mobile numbers were handed over, contacted again to meet up, go to a party or for a drive, where the abuse took place.[...]

"They exploited these girls either for their own sexual satisfaction or for their friends.

"The girls involved in the case were young and however cool and grown-up they may have wanted to be or intended to appear, in fact they were naive and impressionable.

"The reason for the main defendants' relentless pursuit of the girls in this way was quite simple. They wanted sex, whether the girls wanted sex or not." [...]

In one incident, Saddique, who was convicted of 14 of the 29 charges he faced, was accused of engaging in sexual activity with a 12-year-old in Derby’s picturesque Darley Park, while his accomplice Liaqat, who was convicted of 10 crimes of the 18 charges he faced, had sex with a 14-year-old in the BMW.

Another time, a 14-year-old girl was filmed having sex with three of the gang in a hotel room as cheers ring out.

The group faced 75 charges between them relating to twenty six girls, but police believe there are many more victims who have not come forward.

Yesterday, Saddique and Liaqat - who since legal proceedings have begun had grown long beards and now wear Islamic dress - were convicted of charges of sexual assault and sexual activity with a child, bringing the trials to a close.

This year they had already been convicted of a series of other offences including rape, sexual assault, sexual activity with a child, false imprisonment and making child pornography. They will be sentenced for all their crimes in January. ...

Siddique, who was wearing an electronic tag at the time having been convicted of an assault on a woman.

The men were arrested in April and layer by layer officers unravelled an appalling campaign of systematic grooming and abuse, the scale of which had never been seen in the city.

Det Insp Shaun Dawson, of Derbyshire police, said: “This case was simply about sexual gratification.

“They used classic grooming techniques. They had a car, alcohol, drugs. They befriended the girls, who thought these men were their boyfriends so willingly went along with them.

“They would pick them up, arrange further meetings or invite them to parties. When the girls were abused and refused to have anything more to do with them, they simply moved on to other victims. [...]

“Once they had mobile numbers for the girls then the grooming process would intensify.”

“When we arrested them, we had no idea of the scale of this. Once we had them locked up other victims spoke out and it snowballed from there.”

They would use hotels, cars, public parks and even their victims’ homes to carry out the rapes and sex crimes.

Others in the gang are Mohamed Rehman, 26, who received seven and a half years for rape. Akshay Kumar, 38 jailed for two years and 10 months for being involved with child pornography.

Farooq Ahmed, 28, was sentenced to 18 months for witness intimidation, as was Naweed Liaqat, 33, Liaqat’s brother.

Faisal Mehmood, 24, pleaded guilty to sexual activity with a child under the age of 16, and got three years and a deportation order returning him to Pakistan.

Ziafat Rafin, 31, received three years for supplying drugs.

Four other men accused of being involved were acquitted.

Will Wigans Marxist MPs and Far Left political groups such as the SWP (socialist workers party) political front group C-A-P (Community Action Party) excuse this abuse as a 'CULTURAL' thing, and that we must understand and allow their Cultural practices. It's our fault and we should be forgiving thes PAEDOPHILES.

We are called RACISTS, NAZIS and FACISTS by the COMMUNIST MARXIST TRAITORS for bringing this PAEDOPHILIC ACTIVITY to the attention of the wider public.

A hidden world in which Asian men “groom” young white girls for sex has been exposed with the jailing yesterday of two men for child-abuse offences.

Zulfqar Hussain, 46, and Qaiser Naveed, 32, from east Lancashire, were each jailed for five years and eight months after exploiting two girls aged under 16 by plying them with alcohol and drugs before having sex with them. [...]

Parents have complained that in parts of the country with large Asian communities white girls as young as 12 are being targeted for sex by older Asian men yet the authorities are unwilling to act because of fears of being labelled racist.


The Left Wing Communists have tried to excuse this abuse by bringing the fact there are Indigenous British Paedophiles, so we should not be highlighting the Culture of PAEDOPHILIA within the ASIAN/MUSLIM communities and brand anyone speaking out about this as Racists, Nazis and Fascists.




Wednesday, 24 November 2010


The proposal by Mr Justice Moses to do away with trial by jury is a sinister attempt by this unelected group of people to further erode our rights and protections.
These arrogant people are even now above the law.
They can over rule government opinion in matters of law.

Sounds reasonable you may think, but they do not in a democratic society make the law. Their job is to interpret it as closely as possible to its intended aims. They are not elected but now they seem to want to be a power unto themselves.
Yes we need an independent judiciary to protect us against an ever more powerful state, but that does not mean that they should themselves become an unelected dictatorship.

The complaint is that juries often come to the wrong verdict, and it is true they do.
But judges often in their summing up also make mistakes.
Judges, unlike other professional people can not be sued for their mistakes. You never hear a judge paying damages for a faulty summing up.
They are just as fallible as any body else.

So what is our protection from the arbitrary dictatorship of the State and the possible corrupt and compromised judges who after all are subject to human frailties and weaknesses like the rest of us?

Yes. The right to be tried by twelve of your fellow men. The last bastion of democracy.
If we are to lose that we will become enslaved by the State and the judiciary. Juries are our last and ONLY protection.

The argument that the wrong verdict does not wash. Far better a guilty man get off than an innocent man be convicted.

If the cost of trial by jury is too great, cut the pay of the barristers and judges and their closed shop and maybe install elected "people's judges".
The proportion of court costs paid to the present overpaid "elite" far outweighs the costs of jury members.

Our freedom demands that trial by jury remains.


It made me want to throw up.
The Queen visiting Dubai or some other sand blown flea pit was pictured wearing medieval type garb, with her legs covered and a strange covering over her hat.
I have never seen her dress like this.
It is no doubt to conform with the "sensibilities" of her muslim hosts.

She is our QUEEN for Christ sake. Why should she demean herself to appease "muslim sensibilities"

Ugly muslim men and their shrouded women wear their primitive clothing in our country.
No effort to conform to our customs by them so why should the Queen conform to theirs.

I was formerly a monarchist, believing that institution, illogical as it is, united our nation and protected us from possible disasters such as President Blair, or any other grasping selfish liar.
The Queen embodied the country and its people more than any person politician. She is supposed to be above the dirty tricks of political life and an anchor to our past.

So why has she been prevailed upon to degrade herself in this way? Also in recent years she has signed away many of our rights to the EU.

I believe the function of the monarch is to protect her people, not in a political but a national way.

That she has signed away our rights and her powers makes me angry and her kow towing to these medieval desert Arabs is beginning to make me doubt the use of the very institution of monarchy.

If the Queen is not able to be herself abroad what chance have we?

If she wants the monarchy to survive she should uphold the British way of life and customs and bow to NO foreigner.
If she stands tall in the face of all the PC nonsense which surrounds her she would have the gratitude of all true Brits.

Please Ma'am. Start acting like OUR QUEEN and save us for now, that is until your idiotic son takes over.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010


Good evening Ms Nandy (it will be Ms and not Miss or Mrs as you are New Labour).

I see you read our blog.

Now I must confess I do not read your blog (or twitter) or whatever medium you use to make your views known, as I prefer accurate assessments of the national situation, untainted by your anti British views.

I obtained my information about your new position on Searchlight from the Green Arrow web site which roots about in the foetid undergrowth to root out evidence of subversive organisations.

It may interest and surprise you to know that my politics are of the Left. I am an ex member of the real Labour Party when that party represented the interests of the British workers and was a patriotic party.

I can sympathise your difficulties, given your pedigree, of understanding my mind set, that of a true Wiganer but surely you must agree we have a right to an opinion as to the way our country is being colonised.

We do not like being colonised any more than the native Americans did when they were displaced from their lands and I can understand that you will have as little sympathy with our feelings as the Europeans did for the American "Indians".

I note that you were quick to deny that you were a muslim and happily relate to differences of opinion in the BNP. Yes there are differences and financial pressures caused by the government funded ethnic minority? dominated EHRC. However whatever the pressures nationalism will prevail, indeed is becoming stronger by the day.

You say we are a spent force. In that case you and your vile government funded Searchilght organisation seem to spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about us.

Why is that if we are so unimportant?

I imagine you thought that your Christmas (or Eid or Diwali, fill in as appropriate) had come early, when you were imposed on the Wigan Parliamentary seat.

It is a well known fact that a donkey with a Labour rosette will always win the Wigan seat (a relic of the time when OUR ancestors were exploited to build the wealth of Britain).

You ticked the boxes for the tokenism of New Labour female and ethnic minority and not from Wigan. Mustn't have a Wiganer, must we? Too parochial. Too proud of their town and insular.
No Wigan must have a new kind of representative, inclusive and multicultural. The local people's opinions are of no import and old fashioned. We must become modern and embrace the new (imposed) reality, whether we like it or not.

It's the new democracy imposed by the better educated and preferably non Wigan people, the people who KNOW what is best for the town.
The people of Wigan do not know what is best for them so we must guide them.(well this may be true, they voted Labour in the belief that their interests would be put first.)

Some of these people object to seeing foreign people in council houses while they languish on the waiting lists. They object to having to compete for jobs in their own town with people who have come from all over the world to work for starvation wages.
They must be EDUCATED to appreciate the advantages of diversity, even though it means poverty and homelessness for them.

A NEW WORLD is coming when the proles of Wigan will be guided by the superior will and expertise of NEW LABOUR.

Eventually Ms Nandy the people will wake up to the future you and your ilk envisage for them.
In the meantime our job as patriots and nationalists whatever party we are in is to reveal the sinister truth.

If your friends in the EHRC and Searchlight do manage to knock us down as a party believe me we will rise again as a phoenix under a different name.

In the meantime read George Orwell's 1984.

It is a portent of the future envisaged for us by Ms Nandy and her dictatorial friends.

Read Ms Nandy's comments by clicking on this link:


Muslims Against Crusades protesters running riot on the streets of London. Disrupting yet another homecoming parade of British Troops who have recently returned from Afghanistan. This time it's 1st Battalion of the Royal Anglian Regiment who are being attacked and abused by British muslim fanatics.

Why the f*** isn't all this stuff being reported on the BBC and the wider British MSM? Why is it that only the Russian and Amercian broadcasters are covering this? They must be wondering why the f*** we aren't doing anything about this total disrespect for our British way of life.

Watch it all to the very end and then tell me they're not f***ing laughing at us!

Who the f*** is responsible for keeping this outrageous and sickening behaviour out of the British Press? Come on people, wake the f*** up, this is REALLY happening on our streets and someone, somewhere, is hiding it from us all. If they're not going to broadcast it then it's up to us ... spread it far and wide, tell everyone you know to watch it ... especially all the XFactor junkie generation who need to have their f***ing eyes open to what's really important to the future of this country!

Or am I just wasting my f***ing breath?

Monday, 22 November 2010


I'm pleased to note that our public services are trying to make themselves more efficient spenders of our money.
Mrs Joan Redfern Wigan Metro chief executive will take over additional duties as manager for the Area Health Authority when the present manager retires.

New Role For Redfearn

Now Mrs Redfearn is a nice lady and no doubt efficient, albeit vastly overpaid and it is good that she is able to take on these extra duties thus saving one excessive salary.

Well done!

However it does beg the question of why two massive salaries were needed in the first place.
Was Mrs Redfern underemployed or did the health manager not have enough duties to justify his large salary
Have we paid out hundreds of thousands of pounds over the past years which were not strictly necessary?

Well at least some waste has been stopped and for that we must be thankful.



Muslim pupils learn to cut off hands of thieves

Tonight’s Panorama on BBC One will claim that the books were discovered at a network of 40 private schools teaching the Saudi Arabian national curriculum. The programme claims to have uncovered evidence apparently linking the schools to the Saudi embassy. Officials at the embassy deny any link.

Panorama also found examples of private Muslim schools using extremist sentiments on their websites.

Click anywhere on the Article for full story.

Now how can it be that if you support or are a member of the only true PATRIOTIC Political party and the only chance of salvation for the Indigenous British - THE BNP - that if you are a Teacher you will be hounded and persecuted out of your job ?

Will the Teaching UNIONS be screaming for the dismissal of all the MILITANT ISLAMIC HATE TEACHERS and the closure of these MILITANT ISLAMIC INDOCTRINATION HATE CENTRES in this country who are teaching their pupils to HATE JEWS AND HATE HOMOSEXUALS ?

Will the NUT, OFSTED the Government and the Shadow cabinet demand that the BRITISH NATIONAL CURRICULUM be the only curriculum taught in Britains schools and demand that the SAUDI ARABIAN NATIONAL CURRICULUM that has been imported into the country to be taught by MILITANT ISLAMIC HATE TEACHERS in MILITANT ISLAMIST INDOCTRINATION HATE CENTRES be BANNED ?

Maybe someone should ask the NUT and OFSTED what their position is on this and what are they going to do about it.Maybe Adam Walker could now take the NUT, the Education Secretary, OFSTED and the EHRC etc to court for abusing his HUMAN RIGHTS and twisting the rules and law and applying and enforcing these twisted rules and law against him because of his Political Beliefs and ignoring MILITANT ISLAMIST INDOCTRINATION HATE CENTRES and MILITANT ISLAMIC HATE TEACHERS who are breaking the same set of rules and law with impunity and breaking EU law and the new HATE LAWS?



Where are the New labour politicians such as HARRIDAN HARMAN and her husband the UNION BOSS Jack Dromey in regards to this? WHERE ARE NEW LABOUR AND THEIR POLITICIANS with their disgust and demands for the FULL FORCE OF THE LAW to bought down upon these MILITANT ISLAMIC HATE TEACHERS AND MILITANT ISLAMIST INDOCTRINATION HATE CENTRES ?

Can you hear them shouting for the full force of the law to be brought down upon the MILITANT ISLAMIST HATE TEACHERS spreading and teaching HATE to Mohammedan school children ?


Have you heard any outcry of disgust from the whole or any part of the ISLAMIST COMMUNITY about their children being taught to be HATEFUL, ANTI-SEMETIC and HOMOPHOBIC ?

Where is the Proffesional Gay agitator Peter Tatchell, has he been seen or heard demanding that these MILITANT ISLAMIC HATE TEACHERS be removed from their jobs and these MILITANT ISLAMIST INDOCTRINATION HATE CENTRES closed down ?


Where are the outraged CONSERVATIVE and LIMP DEMS with their CONDEMned Government where is their CONDEMNATION, Where is their outcry ?

Where is the SWP (Socialist workers party) and their street thugs the UAF outcry ? Is Gerry Gable so unstable that he supports these FAR LEFT MILITANT COMMUNIST ISLAMIST SUPPORTING HATE groups (though GANGS would be nearer the truth) and their HATRED for JEWS and HOMOSEXUALS ? Gable and his gang are the sort of people who in NAZI GERMANY and COMMUNIST RUSSIA and CHINA would sell their FAMILY, FRIENDS and NEIGHBOURS to the SS, NKVD or Juntong in an attept to save themselves.

WHERE IS THE COUNTRYS OUTRAGE ? probably hidden and not reported as it would inform the INDIGENOUS POPULATION of BRITAIN of the HATRED TOUGHT IN ISLAMIC SCHOOLS and the powers that be would live in fear of upsetting the MILITANT MOHAMMEDAN ISLAMIST HATRED from the ENEMY WITHIN.

Lets be honest here, we know NOTHING will happen unless WE MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Sunday, 21 November 2010


Each year I religiously send off my Freedom of Information request to the council hierarchy and await with bated breath to see just how much of our hard earned council tax contributions has been creamed off the core budget in donations to our borough's beloved two most wealthiest, impressive and most cared for charities/projects.
Well, the time has now arrived and I've received this years reply which I will reveal very shortly. And we'll see if indeed we have yet again been stupendously generous or has these tough economic times put an end to their bankrolling Wigan's two most strange and mysterious organisations?
Those of you who are regular visitors to this blog will of course know that I'm referring to our borough's infamous (Common Purpose Award Winners) Byou ProjectThe ByoU Project provides specialist provision for young people aged 11-25 years old who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. It also provides support for young people who are questioning their sexuality.

and then we have the essential Rafiki/Motswako Project.

Rafiki/Motswako Project aims to:-
  • Provide a safe and separate space for bme young people (Refugees, asylum seekers, Black young people, European young people, etc.)
  • Provide new and challenging experiences
  • Develop programmes of work in response to young peoples needs and requests
  • Look at cultural identity and provide a safe environment where young people can learn about other cultures and religions
  • Address issues relating to education, training and employment
  • Enhance language skills where appropriate
  • Identify and address the needs of individual young people

So, let's remind ourselves that this council and our services are now under such severe economic constraints that huge austerity measures are now in place to save Wigan Borough Council a cool £55M with the added and sad prospect that potentially 820 public sector jobs will have to go over the next 3 years.

But, before I reveal if you and me have once again parted with our hard earned monies to finance the parasitic aforementioned for this year going into next - let me first take you back in time to your past contributions from the core council budget (That's your council tax and certainly without your authorisation).


Year 1999 - 2000: Total = £36,000

Year 2000 - 2001: Total = £35,000

Year 2001 - 2002: Total = £36,000

Year 2002 - 2003: Total = £11,600

Year 2003 - 2004: Total = £31,943

Year 2004 - 2005 = Total = £50,852

Year 2005 - 2006 = Total = £ 52, 590

Year 2006 - 2007: Total = £58,709

Year 2007 - 2008: Total = £67,487

Year 2008 - 2009:Total = £46,407

Year 2009 -2010: Total = £48,425

Total = £475,013

Rafiki/Motswako Project:

Year 1998 - 1999: Total = £19,500

Year 1999-2000: Total = £20,600

Year 2000 - 2001: Total = £26,900

Year 2001 - 20002: Total = £27,200

Year 2002- 2003: Total = £7,500

Year 2003-2004: Total = £12,869

Year 2004 - 2005: Total = £33,532

Year 2005 - 2006: Total = £42,792

Year 2006 - 2007: Total = £37,508

Year 2007 - 2008: Total = £53,666

Year 2008 - 2009: Total = £44,901

Year 2009 - 2010: Total = £47, 327

TOTAL = £374,295

And if my calculator is indeed correct - the total amount lifted from the good and hard working men and women of Leigh & Wigan by those thieving bastards in the council chambers so far equates to a massive and criminal £849,308!!

Well, I am truly sorry to have to tell you all that a further £102,608 has gone missing from our precious core budget for 2010 - 2011 with a staggering £56,802 going to our chums at ByoU and £45,806 going to our newly found friends over at the Rafiki/Motswako Project!!

A GRAND TOTAL OF £951,916 (over the 12 year period)

I would hope all of you who read this take issue with your local councillor and/or MP and ask for a kind explanation from these heterophobic and indigenous hating COWARDLY bastards!

Tick Tock!

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Britain left to count cost of European Arrest Warrant

In the EU and Britain today citizens are able to be arrested and held for trial by any other Euro country in the EUSSR.
It doesn't matter if the offence you are accused of is NOT a criminal offence in your home country you can and will be arrested.

How long before we see British Nationalists and Patriots being arrested for commiting FREE SPEECH CRIMES, NATIONALIST CRIMES, PATRIOTIC CRIMES ?
The sort of crime would be for pointing out that IMMIGRANTS are commiting HATE CRIMES as defined in British and EU Law against the INDIGENOUS.
WE see the MAD Mohammedans demanding the beheading of non-believers, screaming HATRED and ABUSE at BRITISH SOLDIERS ON BRITISH STREETS yet they are allowed to continue without a single arrest, a single court case. They burn our symbols of rememberance of our HEROIC FORFATHERS who gave their lives up so readily for OUR FREEDOM and OUR SECURITY and are protected by the Police who duly arrest any Indigenous Britains for trying to do something about these disgusting acts of HATE from the BARBAROUS MOHAMMEDANS.

We know that MOHAMMEDANS who are resident here are travelling around the globe to fight in ISLAMIC WAR ZONES, fighting against BRITISH SOLDIERS in AFGHANISTAN and formerly in IRAQ, collecting thousands upon thousands of pounds every week in their British Barracks, commonly known as MOSQUES, and using this money to undermine OUR COUNTRY, using this money to pay for TERRORIST TRAINING in Foreign countries, to enable them to travel and to live in their country of choice for their training.

Yet it is US the INDIGENOUS BRITISH who are targetted by Foreign Governments, Police Forces and Legal systems aided and abetted by the TRAITORS IN PARLIAMENT.


Britain left to count cost of European Arrest Warrant

Many are accused of trivial crimes overseas such as possessing cannabis or leaving petrol stations without paying. No evidence need be presented in British courts of the alleged offence and judges have few powers to resist the person’s extradition.

Those affected can spend long periods in jail here and abroad for crimes which might not even be prosecuted in this country.

They can also be seized for offences which are not even crimes in Britain.

Although the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) was intended to operate in the same way in all 27 EU states, The Sunday Telegraph has established that many other European countries have given themselves “opt-outs” or conditions to protect their citizens.

It comes after this newspaper first highlighted concerns last week over the way that the warrant system was being used in Britain.

Holland will not extradite Dutch nationals under the EAW unless the accusing state agrees that they can serve any prison sentence in a Dutch jail. The Belgians have opt-outs so that the warrant does not cover abortion.

Abortion and “abetting abortion” are crimes in some EU states, including Malta, Ireland and Poland – Europe’s most active issuer of EAWs.

Birth control campaigners fear they could be targeted by antiabortionists under the EAW, even simply for running a British-based advice website accessible from abroad.

France appears reluctant to extradite its own nationals under the EAW and has stated in the past that they will not be extradited.

Europe’s largest country, Germany, has imposed a “proportionality rule” stating that only those accused of serious crimes can be seized under a warrant. The definition of serious is not given, but it would exclude large numbers of the trivial charges dealt with by the British extradition courts.

One Kent motorist, Patrick Reece-Edwards, spent weeks in a British jail awaiting extradition to Poland on a charge of possessing a forged motor insurance certificate. When he was finally extradited, the matter was resolved by the payment of a civil penalty with no criminal record.

So many people – mostly Poles – are extradited from Britain to Poland on minor charges that special fortnightly military flights are operated for them from a London airfield. The hundreds of trivial requests are also a serious drain on police, prison and court resources.

Britain has no such opt-outs, and campaigners say that British judges are too cautious in applying the overriding requirements of the Human Rights Act.

Karen Todner, one of Britain’s leading extradition lawyers, said: “It is typical of us not to have given ourselves proper protection.

“British judges apply the EAW treaty to the letter and these massive injustices come about because the Government hasn’t thought this through.

“There are a lot of quite simple things we could do now to mitigate the harm done to British citizens, which could be done quite quickly through a simple administrative decision.”

British citizens sent abroad under the EAW are also at a serious disadvantage. Since foreigners are regarded as flight risks, bail is often refused and pretrial detention, even for minor crimes, can last for years.

Almost 44 per cent of prisoners in Greek jails are foreigners, according to EU figures, compared with just 14 per cent of those in British jails.

Jago Russell, the chief executive of Fair Trials International, said: “The human impact of an extradition is crazy. In its forthcoming review of extradition law, Britain needs to learn lessons from the likes of Germany, which have put much-needed safeguards in place to protect their citizens.”


You can guarantee that not a single MOHAMMEDAN TERRORIST SUPPORTER AND HATE CRIMINAL will be affected by this, if they are there will be a huge outcry from BRITAINS TRAITOROUS POLITICIANS and every stone will be unturned to save the MOHAMMEDAN HATE PREACHERS from being arrested under the EU ARREST WARRANT>



Arrest Warrants

Mr Raab: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many European arrest warrants were issued for UK citizens in (a) 2004, (b) 2005, (c) 2006, (d) 2007, (e) 2008, (f) 2009 and (g) 2010 to the latest date for which information is available. [23126]

Nick Herbert: The Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service for Scotland are the designated UK authorities responsible for processing European Arrest Warrants (EAWs). Information is held on Part 1 cases (persons wanted from the UK by another member state) and Part 3 cases (persons wanted by the UK from another
17 Nov 2010 : Column 809W
member state). It is not possible to provide information relating to EAW requests for UK Citizens which are made between two other EU member states.

Between 1 October 2008 and 31 March 2010, SOCA received 191 EAW Part 1 requests for UK Citizens. These are broken down as follows:


1 October 2008 to 31 December 2008


1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009


1 January 2010 to 31 March 2010


These figures do not include part 1 requests transmitted directly to Scotland.

Data on the requests made by EU member states in respect of UK citizens prior to 1 October 2008 are currently unavailable and could be recovered only by a manual examination of all SOCA case records. This would incur a disproportionate cost.

For information on the number of UK nationals surrendered to other member states I refer my hon. Friend to the answer given on 25 October 2010, Official Report, columns 64-66W, to my hon. Friend the Member for Witham (Priti Patel).

Figures for UK Part 3 requests made in respect of UK citizens since 2006 are shown in the following table. Data for 2004 and 2005 is not readily available and could not be obtained without incurring disproportionate cost.










2010 (to 31 March)


Taken from HANSARD - http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201011/cmhansrd/cm101117/text/101117w0001.htm#10111761000010
