Saturday, 2 May 2009


A couple of weeks ago I posted on this blog of the proposal by the wretched Labour ran Wigan Council to sell off a section of land that incidentally had been left to the people of Leigh by a Miss Mary Marsh before her passing in 1931.

If you did read my initial blog on this particular issue, you will have known that there was a covenant on this land in that it should never, ever be developed upon. Unfortunately, as all the trustees have now since passed and therefore no-one left in earnest to look after the interest of these fields 'legally,' now allows the shameless cockroach infested higher echelons of power in their overly inflated Ivory 'bloody' Towers on Library Street, and take it upon themselves to become the covenanter. And thus, who want to sell this sacred land to the Brookhouse Group (and line their own pockets!) who in turn will put a road straight through these fields and then develope retail outlets which is their forte, as near to this proposed road as possible.

Well, just over a week or so ago there was a modest protest on these fields by those who felt strongly enough and by those who wished to try and put an halt to this wanton local destruction and theft of something that belonged to the people of Leigh.

This protest was the culmination of a week long campaign by the members of the local British National Party team and to those who had put their full support and monies behind this demonstration. We had 3,000 "Save The Marsh Playing Fields" leaflets printed which we delivered along-side our own Euro Campaign leaflet. Additionally, we had forty or so St. George's flags made with the same slogan written across, as well as three huge placards.

The kids loved the St.George's flag and all forty + were snapped up within minutes, and off the kids went running around the field waving furiously.

It was a fantastic sight to see the utter disgust on the faces of the Labour Party entourage who had now turned up to give a false showing of unity with the protesters, and which included good 'olde' Lord (Ha bloody Ha) Smith, to see our children enjoying themselves in and around these fields with their patriotic St. George's flag aloft, getting our message over. Some children (with their parents) even went to the roadside to gain support from the hordes of passing motorists, and every child cheering with each and every toot of the passing car horn. A massive coup for the Leigh British National Party and especially to our friend Chris, with his ingenuity, time and monetary contribution and which goes to show we are not just here to make up the political numbers!

We are here because we actually care!

So, it's taken over a week for me to report about this demonstration and to put my own accounts of this particular day of action onto this blog! Well, the reason being, I was waiting to see what the local rag the Leigh Journal and the Leigh Reporter would have to say on the matter and indeed which photographs they would use in their publications?

I can now disclose that not one line was written about this demonstration and certainly no photograph was shown of this event, even though each paper was represented by a photographer and reporter in tow! Prior to that weekend it was front page news locally, I wonder what has happened to silence these pathetic morons?

The fortunate thing is, the people have now seen through this facade and seen the true corruption of this local Labour 'elite' for what they really are and on June 4th when the electorate have their chance to show their disgust; will do just that!


It's official, the Marsh Playing Fields have now been saved.

"Community campaigner and chairman of the Save our Marsh Playing field group, Deborah Murphy, 41, is delighted that the playing field, which was left to the children of Leigh in a will by Mary Marsh in 1933, will be saved.She said: "I'm absolutely overwhelmed. But this is just the first hurdle."We would like to set up a board of trustees so never again will the council put Marsh Playing Fields in jeopardy."It's fantastic news. The support we have had from the local community has been brilliant."

"It shows people power can work if people believe in something we can stop developers from destroying what is ours."

So, there you have it, just showing that if you have enough people willing to share the same passion and conviction; results will inevitably come your way.

Although, chairwoman Deborah Murphy is not in any way asscociated to the local British National Party, she was very thankful of those including ourselves, for the support we gave. It's a shame the local papers wouldn't show the photo's of our St. George's flags being flown with the children at the demo the other week, but, I am sure it must have had a detrimental impact on the traitors of the local Leigh Labour councillors and the the Labour Party itself!

Eat your heart out Messrs. Burnham and Smith! And lest we forget the pitiful Cllr: Whiteside.

Read the full report here:

Now, going off at a slight tangent, and with nothing to do with this initial post. I would like to add this bit of video footage. As regular readers here will have noted we do get a chap (well, I'm assuming they are male?) called "Red" who posts obnoxious comments with very little substance, you know the usual lefty rants and rambling; well I have now re-named "Red" with the title of Mr (R)Ed.

And here Mr (R)Ed is:
