Tuesday, 27 October 2009


Here are three comments I made on another blog. I'm posting them here as a single post, with that link so you can get to the context if you need to.

Disgraceful attempt at character assassination.

But then, it’s the BBC so what else can we expect. They KNOW that if we get a referendum the treaty is dead. France and Holland have both already voted the Consitution (same-same Lisbon treaty) down.

I say we should leave the EU altogether. No negotiations, no nicey-nicey, Just send an envoy to Brussels and say “As of (looks at watch with other hand raised) NOW (hand brought down in a chopping movement), “bye bye”.
“Was not nice knowing you”.

Easy peasy.
If the EU get their way they will need a Federal European police force of some sort. I await the day when two ARMED Germans enter this country and use force to take someone – anyone – back to Germany to be held in custody for trial two years later. All without so much as a bye-your-leave to what we laughingly refer to as the “British Authorities” (who by then will have none). Even better if it’s at the person’s home and by forced entry.

For maximum effect it has to be Germans, though at a pinch any nationality will do. Even our own cops and army (especially) would be very highly pissed off about that.

It’s only a matter of time.

Please please God let it be me.

And it would be absolutely PERFECT if it was for a political and/or Free Speech “crime”. As interpreted by, say, a German Turk (Moslem).

The day a Federal Police is formed in Europe, is the day I start trying to provoke such an arrest.



We already have more reasons to leave the EU than we can count. Well here's another reason coming up.

And just when you thought we had already lost our freedom of speech. It's going to get a lot worse yet. This one will probably badly affect this blog. And the damned muzbots are already whingeing daily.

This government has already taken our physical weapons from us; while at the same time gun-crime is rising and because our borders are now like a sieve to enable mass immigration, it's ever easier for the violent criminal fraternity to smuggle in guns from Eastern Europe. Now they're going to take all we have left from us - the verbal weapon. The EU and the Labour party want us utterly defenceless.

And we wonder why Blair removed the death penalty as a possible punishment for treason.


There is so much going on all at once these days that it's almost impossible to keep up with it, never mind spread the details to other people. That, of course, is intentional.

Is there anyone out there who still trusts the mainstream media (including telly) to keep us informed?




Want to know what Adolf thinks of Nick Griffin appearing on Question Time? Definitely not a happy bear.

Go here to find out,



I found this on a weblog called Nanny Knows Best.

As we all know, Nanny's councils have something of a bee in their collective bonnets over "health and safety".

Rob Grice, a barber shop owner from Wigan, found this to his cost recently when his local council decreed that his barber's shop pole (a freestanding red and white erection...can I say erection?) presented a clear and present danger to the health and safety of pedestrians.

The council happily seized it!

Isn't that theft?

The odd thing is that this pole has been there for 19 years.

Why oh why would the council seize it now?


Shall we ask the council then my loyal readers?

Yes, let's ask the council!

Here's what they say:

"We work closely with access groups and it is our duty to look after the interests of people in wheelchairs and with white sticks.

Objects like these are not as stable as fixed street signs and we are being encouraged by Government to be much more proactive over things like this.

The sign was noticed by inspectors. The shop is in a narrow street. It was an accident waiting to happen. The proprietor was issued with a warning but he failed to respond so we were obliged to take it off him.

He is entitled to have it back if he pays the council £100

Oh hoh!
Ah hah!
Teh heh!

The very last sentence contains the real reason for them lifting the sign...

Ker Farking Ching!

