The spectacle of the ill mannered walk off by the Tory, Labour and Lib Dem candidates in the London elections when Richard Barnbrook was about to speak speaks volumes for the contempt for democracy of those candidates. This was compounded a few days later by the segregating of Richard Barnbrook from the other councillors in the chamber with plants and furniture.
Is Richard not allowed to have an opinion? Are the 120,000 people who voted for him to be denied a voice? If these actions had been perpetrated on a person from an ethnic minority there would have been outrage from these same members of the anti British Leftist Mafia.
What was Richard's crime to justify this shunning? He represented the view that our country is being taken over by foreigners, our industry sold off, wages slashed in the interests of big business and native people being treated like second class citizens in an increasingly crime ridden society. These facts should be obvious to even the most stupid voter.
Even if others do not agree, Richard and we who think like him have just as much right to articulate our opinions as anybody else.
Boris Johnson (he of an "amnesty for illegal immigrants" and "don't try to out ethnic me"fame) brags that his family is "more diverse than a United Nations peace keeping force" should understand that others think differently and understand our point of view and our fears. We don't want to be part of a multicultural experiment and we have a right to say so and not have it imposed on us. Just because his family has benefitted by our society, tolerant of immigrants does not mean we all have.
Of course the major parties seek to benefit from the "ethnic vote"in their power hungry struggle, even when this is to the detriment of the country. Their support of measures such as "operation black vote" (surely this is racist?) shows this.
The above shows that the major parties only see their own point of view and react to other opinions which are held by millions of law abiding people in OUR country.
Keep going Richard! The hopes and futures of the majority of British people rest on you.