Thursday, 16 December 2010


I know many of you will not agree with me but I think Bob Ainsworth's idea of decriminalising drugs could be a good idea.

I think that if drugs were made available cheaply on prescription it would kill the drug trade stone dead.
It would remove the profit motive and pushers would have no incentive to ply their evil trade. I think it is this pushing which causes many people to start taking drugs and afterwards addicts steal to feed their habit.
These drugs are cheap to manufacture. The cost on the street is due to scarcity caused by the prohibition.
People under the influence of drugs would be prosecuted severely especially if they caused bother and if they did become addicted it would be made clear they would be taken to a spartan detox centre.
If people under this "liberal"regime wish to take harmful substances it should be at their own risk. It is not for the nanny state to look after foolish people.

In recent years when a drug has been banned it becomes more expensive and often popular and when unavailable other substances take over. Also in times past cocaine and opiates were available over the counter and there was no real problem.
This regime I think in removing the incentive in the selling of drugs would do much to reduce drug taking, robbery and best of all the massive amounts made by Asian heroin pushers who use their ill gotten gains to fund terrorism.

Look what happened in the USA with prohibition.
