Friday, 30 July 2010


I read muslim brides to be are having their hymens repaired before marriage on the NHS to "restore" their virginity so that they will bleed on their "first night"
Muslims are obsessed with sex. That is why their women must wear the veil (some may be just ugly of course). In many countries women are not allowed out without a male relative, presumably because they fear that men will be overcome with lust and unable to control themselves.
Women who succumb to sexual temptation are liable to be stoned to death. How civilised, a true indication of a modern educated society.
It seems that if a bride is not considered to be a virgin it brings disgrace on her family and she could possibly be killed to preserve the family honour. Some honour!

So because of this the NHS is paying for this restoration of virginity, or at least the semblance of purity enough to satisfy the parents of the groom who inspect the bed sheets the morning after.

If these people want to go through this charade I have no objections but I DO OBJECT TO PAYING FOR IT. They should have it done privately but not at our expense.
Nowadays the NHS is considering delaying "non essential" operations such as varicose vein surgery when delay can result in ulcers and a lifetime's disability. Cancer drugs are being denied,nursing numbers cut while these non medical proceedures still carried out.

The trouble is this religion and the threat to women unfortunate enough to be born into it.
But the answer is to clamp down on the cause, islam and not deprive our people of necessary tratment because of it.

The benefits of diversity!
