Friday, 1 August 2008


We went to a meeting in Liverpool last nigh where Nick Griffin gave an inspirational speech (he always does) to a capacity crowd.
If people could just hear him and see the sense he talks I can not see how anyone could fault his assessment of what is wrong in our country and ideas to correct these faults. He presents his arguments, unscripted,( take note Mr Cameron) in a logical easily understood way. The difference between him and Mr Cameron being that we have policies and the Tories do not. They will not commit themselves to an agenda which means that even at this late stage they can not see what is wrong with our country.
We know what to do and they don't!
Unfortunately we are up against a hostile media which will not report our policies and if they do distort them to make them unacceptable to the voters.
They are afraid of the truth but through the medium of the internet we are bypassing them to get our message out.

Nick Griffin is by far the most intelligent politician in this country and his speeches are truly inspirational .I have several on DVD which I will send to anyone free of charge if they ring me on 07779 321542 and I defy anyone not to be inspired.
