Sunday, 20 December 2009


It has been alleged by "Climate Change" believers that opposition to the measures advocated is driven by self interest and big coal and oil companies, while those in favour are pure scientists with no axe to grind.

The truth is somewhat different.

In this exceptionally cold week after the Copenhagen Talks failure it seems everything is OK for those greedy parasites who seek to profit out of it.
The article above from The Mail on Sunday illustrates the point.
We are being charged through our utility bills and taxes with the money being creamed off by the City and foreign industrialists and Labour donors. Even the NHS has to pay £millions. Worse we are losing thousands of jobs as indicated in the article with the closure of the Corus steel plant in Redcar.

Thus the friends of Labour foreign industrialists and the friends of the Tories, City fat cats are methodically destroying our future.
Our delegates to this farce of a conference flew there (many by private jet) causing huge carbon emissions, a thing they said they wanted to prevent showing themselves to be hypocrits as well as traitors.
It is just an exercise in the move to world government and away from democracy.
Carbon trading will not reduce emissions by one ton, but even if they did it would be too high a price to pay here for such an uncertain science.

Global warming even if it were to occur would not adversely affect our country.
It is ironic that the coldest period in the Northern Hemisphere for many years started during the conference.

That is not to say I am against conservation but any taxes raised on fossil fuel consumption should be used to reduce our dependence here and not sent abroad. We should resurrect the coal industries and ignore these non scientists and student protestors.

Saved our financial system and now the world have you Gordon?

You must be joking!
And you wonder why few intelligent people believe you.


But nobody go making this a habit ...

To view in full screen click on the link: here

Tony Ward interviewed by BNPTV

