Some bright spark in Wigan MBC thinks that our draughty, wet pie-eating town on a hill is going to transform into some metropolitan Coffee bar paradise.
So-much-so that WE (Wigan council tax payers) have coughed up god-knows how many thousands of pounds for this hair brained scheme and accompanying (pi** ?) Artists Impression -
I don't know about you but I don't want to sit outside Wigan Wallgate Station with a Coffee and the aroma of stale alcohol, kebabs and diesel fumes, watching Wigan's Unemployed, Immigrants, Junkies and Alcoholics go about their daily business on a wet Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or any other day of the week.
But look at the image above, can anyone tell me, besides the colour of the road, and an added table and a few trees, what difference is their in this 'ARTISTS IMPRESSION' to Wigan Wallgate of today ?
I suppose the idiot who thought of this will be looking at their P45 in the next few months ?
How much will it cost for things to be the same ?
This will be just another excuse to WASTE OUR TAXES or should I say YOUR MONEY.