The launch of our election campaign in the North West took place this afternoon in a hotel in North Manchester.A "full house" of members and supporters saw our candidates presented to the press.This was followed by a shortish speech by Nick Griffin which laid out the gist of our policies, after which he held a question and answer session for the press followed by throwing it open to the audience.The press seemed somewhat reluctant to ask questions. Possibly the experienced reporters were a bit intimidated by a man who could answer honestly any question put to him.The questions from the BBC all concerned our policies to immigrants and our repatriation policies. Nick explained that a repatriation policy had been in place for nearly 40 years under both Labour and Tories but had been rarely used. Our policy in any case is voluntary and anyone who did not want to leave could stay, but they would compete on merit and not be given preference as at present. The ones who did take up the offer would have capital to take to their native countries which would help the local economies, and be far more beneficial to those countries than the present policies of doling out aid to despots.There would be no positive discrimination or ethnic quotas as at present.The main concern is to shut the door to further immigration.On being questioned on our "Green" policies he said that we were greener than the Green Party who advocated continued immigration to our overcrowded island, transferring millions of people from a low energy lifestyle to a high energy lifestyle thus using more energy and covering our countryside with acres of concrete, hardly the greenest of policies.Asked by a BBC reporter if we would lose talent in the North West if immigrants left, Nick asked whether she meant muslims or Afro Carribean. She replied we could lose such talents as Amir Kahn.Now Nick was a boxer but he had to admit that the loss of one boxer would not be a great detriment to the North West.On the journey home we spoke about this strange question and why this boxer was especially asked about, especially in view of the well known fact that his allegiances are with Pakistan as shown by his sporting of the Pakistani flag when he first won a trophy at the Olympics, until he was told about it and subsequently draped himself in the Union Flag.Many will have forgotten about this but we have not.With all the questions easily batted away a photo of some of the Euro candidates was taken (see below) and we made our way outside.
Here we were greeted by Derek Adam's skip containing impressions of the "Honourable Members" and we all had our photos taken before leaving for home.
On St George's Day a "debate" took place at Winstanley College the topic of which was,"On the importance of defeating the British National Party and reclaiming patriotism from the racists on St George's Day".Speaking in favour of the motion was the vicar of St John's Pemberton who after speaking on the subject left the topic altogether by droning on about his support for gay marriage.The title alone gives a flavour of what was to follow and the term "debate" is a misnomer as little debate was allowed, and instead the students were subjected to one of the most blatant brainwashing events I have heard of.The few brave unbrainwashed students who attempted to engage in debate with were not allowed to fully put their questions. Of course this is par for the course with the left and especially the clergy who are used to preaching to the converted in church where challenges to their authoritan wisdom are not allowed.This unloved and unrespected leader of a declining congregation recently refused to baptise a Downs Syndrome child in case she disrupted the service. Not much Christianity there then.He freely admitted to being at the riot when one of our activists was attacked with a hammer but he blamed "the socialists",(nothing to do with me mister), and said his protest was peaceful. This begs the question of why he felt justified in protesting against a private meeting, just because he did not agree with the views of those inside.How would he react if the situation was reversed and an anti Christian group protested outside his church?He should support the values of his declining church instead of "peacefully" protesting against a legitimate political party holding a private meeting.He will not share a platform with us but is prepared to be associated with claw hammer wielding thugs. This brainwashing "man of the cloth" was assisted by Mr M Kavanagh a politics and law lecturer who said that as he had an Irish name the BNP would deport him to Ireland (I must warn our super activists Tommy Kavanagh and Eddie O' Sullivan the danger they are in and so should the student who informed me of this farce who is also of Irish descent).That statement is a downright lie and as a politics lecturer he should know it. If he does not he has no right teaching politics.Either a liar or ignorant, or both he is not fit to be a teacher.One of the people quoted in their moralistic arguments was Hazel Blears OUCH.This farce of a debate shows the pernicious brainwashing taking place in our schools at our expense and the low calibre of the teachers and clergy.The good news is that the more intelligent students are increasingly seeing the flaws in their arguments and are turning to us, as are the voters in spite of all the villification we have to endure and pay for.