Wednesday 5 November 2008


Barak Obama's win in America is obviously the start of a new era in the "States" and the world.

To my mind he was the best candidate of the two on offer. Mc Cain was offering more of the same with a more aggressive warlike foreign policy and he was tainted by the legacy of the idiot George Bush with his disasterous legacy on the financial front and his stupidity in trying to use force to sort Middle East problems. (I have to admit Sarah Palin was a bit of alright in spite of her funny views but not as Vice President)

At least Obama has a chance of portraying a new more tolerant face to America's erstwhile enemies and may do some good abroad.

His problems at home will be more difficult to solve as the expectations of the blacks will be hard to fulfil. I hope he does manage to succeed.

However in spite of what the media says the USA is anything but united. Each of the many ethnic groups has its own agenda which are in many ways irreconcilable and he will be hard pressed to satisfy them all. The thing that united them this election was to get rid of the party to which Bush belonged at any price whatever ethnic group they were.

Of course the BBC gloat that this is not a racist result. So 97% black people voting for Obama is not racial voting? Of course it is.

I don't blame the blacks for voting for a black but the media should admit it for what it is-racist voting. If it was the other way round they would be the first to moan.

I wish him well but a racially mixed society has never worked up to now. Perhaps it will this time but if he fails the consequences could be dire.


Our two intrepid group detectives, Ken and Chris have at last solved the mystery of the elusive Elliot Brown, our local" Hate Crimes Officer".Unexpectedley they found him to be a young white man (presumably indoctrinated by political correctness so that he could land his cushy non job).
They tackled him about the scurrilous racist remarks as above which were sent to You Tube.
He reluctantly contacted the police who then contacted Ken.
The officer concerned agreed that if we had put such a racist comment on a message we would probably have been arrested, thus accepting the double standards applying in these cases. He tried to bring Nick Griffin's remarks into it but it was pointed out that Nick had been aquitted at his trial. He also mentioned my reply for some reason which is not racist in tone at all. Have a look for yourself on the link below.
He says he will get it taken off the You Tube messages.
Well done Ken!
THEY NOW KNOW WE ARE WATCHING THEM and can use the rules which were originally brought in to persecute us against them.

