Tuesday, 5 August 2008


Let's take a look, using a short series of photographs, at the real significance of the leaders of our society and world in the grand scheme of things. Let's use Jocky Broon as our example.

Well, on the small scale of just the inner planets and Pluto (the rocky planets), even his vast girth doesn't amount to so much as a speck of dust. Not very significant then eh? Let's take a look at all the planets together.

Good Lord, even the Earth itself doesn't look too significant now. What does that make Jocky? Ah, ok then, perhaps he'll seem more significant if set against a grander background. Shall we look at the whole Solar System?

Jocky, Jocky, wherefore art thou Jocky? We know you're in there somewhere. But do you amount to anything more than a hill of beans in the significance stakes? Does anyone? The Earth itself doesn't look more than a speck of dust set on this scale. Let's take a larger-scale look at this.

So now the Earth isn't even a speck of dust. On this scale it's trivial. Where's Jocky? How significant is he? Still, at least we can still see our Sun. Our Sun's big - surely we'll always be able to see that even if Jocky has become the incredible shrinking man. We'll always be able to see it - even if Jocky's nothing, our Sun will always be something. Wont it? Let's see.

Oh dearie me - on this scale even our Sun is next to nothing - just one pixel in size. A speck of dust. Now I happen to know that there are stars out there in ... never mind the Universe ... our Milky Way galaxy alone that in comparison to Antares, make Antares look like our Sun looks here: invisible, it's so trivial. So on this scale, and on the scales in the following film, how trivial is our planet, and how trivial is Jocky on that planet? Jocky, like the rest of us you are nothing so lets be having less of the Prime Ministerial self-importance shall we? Fewer of those table-thumping tantrums when addressing junior staff would be a welcome start.

Watch this:


"The Prime Minister has been taking morning workouts with Millie Dobie, a £50-an-hour coach, according to reports."

Don't bother Jocky; save your (probably our) money: you are already small, trivial and insignificant enough despite your apparent vast girth. If you really want to lose weight, it might help if you stopped eating your bogies ... at least when you're on camera in Parliament. Yes, we've all seen it.

And if you want to read my idea of a morning workout, go read the later comments on this post:


When I'm feeling a little cocky, I like to look at this series of photos, and that short film, to give myself a sense of how insignificant I really am in the grand scheme of things. Don't you all wish our self-important world "leaders" might take a leaf out of my book? Proper humility is good for the soul.
