Looking at the proposals unveiled 3 weeks ago for Bryn and Stubshaw Cross, I'm not surprised he is going.
To take the Bryn proposal first.
Traffic at Bryn Cross is admittedly horrendous partly owing to past planning mistakes. The traffic problem needs an urgent solution regarding access to the Lockett Road estate from the motorway and personally I feel "proposed road 1" is the better solution. However to incorporate in this scheme adding yet more houses and warehouses when many of the latter lie empty shows how out of touch the Metro is.
We obviously do not need more warehouses or offices and would not need houses if the town had not been flooded with immigrants. We can not afford to lose agricultural green spaces.
I suspect behind the scenes speculation or PFI schemes, but certainly no consideration of the interests of local residents
To add to the idiotic scheme another one at Stubshaw Cross only a mile away would mean more loss of open space with a "super school" (no doubt saddling future generations with massive PFI interest payments)and yet more offices and warehouses.
Do they honestly think a new school will improve education or that we need more offices and warehouses?
Warehouses are just sheds and not necessarily tailored to business needs. Could that be why there are so many unoccupied sheds in the area? The other is the completely inadequate road system, possibly the worst in the North West, (past planning mistakes?)
You can bet that whatever road improvement scheme is chosen it will be the cheapest and totally inadequate to our needs.
50 years ago Wigan Council had more idea when they got Heinz to put their factory in Kitt Green.
Identify the site, put the services in and let the company put a building suitable to their needs. Surely that is better than the present approach of trying to guess what the needs may be and just putting a shed up?
Another way of helping jobs would be to cut business rates and make enterprise more profitable.
The Makerfield against Develpment (MAD) is a non political organisation, but one wonders how this proposal has got so far, given that we have councillors supposedly to protect our interests.
Have they not done this, or have they no power?
You can be sure that if these idiotic schemes go ahead the local BNP will make it political and we will use these follies in our campaign literature.