I have always said I would never attack the British National Party and nor will I now.
However what I thought was the BNP it seems is no more.
Good hard working activists and patriots are being sacked from their employment on spurious grounds for basically backing the condender for leadership Andrew Brons.
Our party which was supposed to stand for democracy has now become a dictatorship and is haemorrhaging activists and members at an unprecedented rate.
The people leaving are the best and very soon the party will be left with a rump of unelectable puppets dancing according to the strings of the puppet master Nick Griffin.
At one time I thought he was God and would hear nothing against him. Admittedly there were some of his actions I did not like but I put them aside in the interests of party progress and unity.
However my opinion of our chairman has changed. I have seen the light and through his deceit.
I have been asked why have I gone round from being a keen loyalist of the chairman to being so anti at present.
My reply is that I feel betrayed. It is as if a good friend has deceived me and made me feel foolish for my belief in him when warned about him by others.
My reasons for "seeing the light" are as follows.
At the annual meeting last December in Leicester a motion was passed almost unanimously to have a more democratic party with decisions taken by the members rather than by the chairman. This I learnt a couple of months later would not come to pass as there were "problems" with it. As yet I have been unable to see any problems and feel that the chairman has unilaterally decided to ignore or at least put obsticles in the way of our democratic decision.
This has been confirmed by Arthur Kemp.
Later the chairman renaged on his promise to stand down and now says he will not do so and having won in the leadership election intends to serve another four years.
Three years ago at Codnor it was agreed that the party would have a leadership contest every year if members wished it.
This was changed at the EGM by the chairman using the deceitful measure of proxy votes for the first time in party history , which gave him the opportunity to get his wishes.
I thus feel that I can no longer trust anything the chairman says. It is obvious he is putting his own interests before that of the party and country.
He must know he is unelectible but still clings to power in his rapidly waning party.
It is as if he wishes to bring the party and Nationalism down with him.
However my political opinions have not changed.
I still believe in the nationalist priciples espoused by the party but I object to the dictatorship it has now become.
I am not therefore attacking the party, just the present leadership which is leading the party to disaster. It will not survive long as a credible force in politics if it does not get its act together and
I know under the present leadership clique, devoid of talent we will get nowhere. We are thus wasting our time flogging this dead horse and the sooner it is put out of its misery the sooner competent and unsullied nationalists can resurrect our cause.
I was never in this movement for personal gain, only for my country and believe those who through incompetence, avarice or ignorance betray our cause and country.
I also believe soon a new movement will soon arise which will follow the principles on which our party was built. We need it quickly considering the state our country is in--