Monday, 18 January 2010


I've used those exact words for the title to a different post, a few years back, on another blog. Here:

Read it or not, as you wish ... but if you live in Britain and are female, or if you are male with female relatives, I suggest you take the time to get yourself some education.

This post is actually about THIS:

This is the sort of thing we'll be seeing repeatedly in this country if we don't very quickly sort Islam out. Islam HERE, that is. After all, it's the same thing that happens repeatedly in Islamic countries. Try reading, for examples only, the Saudi and Pakistani papers regularly and you'll get used to reading this sort of stuff.

Personally, I believe 'Isolationism' is the only humane solution.



Here's an Associated Press (AP) report on the post-earthquake aid so far sent or pledged  to Haiti.

Hmmm ... I don't see very much - indeed NOTHING - from the Islamic parts of the world. It would appear that the much lauded - by our dhimmi media - Islamic charity (Zakat) donation is for helping ... other Islamics only. Just so's we know, eh?

And I get the same picture when it comes to help from African, or even other West Indian countries. Black solidarity eh? Nothing in the world like it. Thank God.

And how many ... err ... people are they all donating to the western world - millions each year? All costing us, of course, rather than contributing.

The world would crumble if it wasn't for the generosity of Whitey and the non-Muslim Asiatics.

You couldn't make it up. And if you tried, you'd be prosecuted for 'Hate Speech'.

Wonder how many new mosques Saudi Arabia is currently paying for here in the western world, and how much money does it amount to?

You probably couldn't make that up either. Sigh ... more 'Hate Speech' I suppose.

Am I allowed to ask those things?

