Monday, 12 January 2009


In these times of severe economic hardship, with much worse to come, there are hundreds of thousands of people in our country who have to choose between eating or heating. Many of these people are our pensioners, amongst whom the death rate soars in cold weather.

What could we do if we had an extra £1.073 BILLION per week to put towards helping out our people in this difficult eat or heat situation? Where would we get this massive amount of extra money? That £1.073 billion PER WEEK is the cost of our membership of the European Union. I think I can leave you to work through your own logic calculations about our EU membership.

Let's take a look at the "heat" part of the calculation. How is the European Union helping us out with that? Well, it isn't ... and it's planning on making things a lot worse. Have a read (ripe language warning for the more sensitive amongst us):

All of these difficulties are, of course, exarcerbated by current (and upcoming) economic problems. What do Brown and Darling have in the pipeline for us? Have another read - and language warnings are pretty standard for that blog:

Coming soon, a la Weimar and Scumbage's Rhodesia: 1 billion pound /1 Australian dollar.

I wish I had better news to tell you. And here's a little something to throw into the Global Warming debate:

The owner of that blog is not a nationalist, but he does have a friendly inclination towards the British Nationalist Party.

And here's a final word (for this post) on the Global Warming debate. Anyone remember back to the 1970s when the great climate fear was a new Ice Age? The world has a history of 100,000 year ice ages interspersed with 12,000 year warm periods. The current warm period is well over 12,000 years old, so historically, we're due an ice age. What do you think an ice age is? Well, to give you a hint: if you are reading this from anywhere in Britain, then where you are sitting right now was under an ice layer at least a mile deep. Global warming Britain can survive - indeed, we'd be able to produce much more food if our climate was a few degrees warmer ... but an ice age will be the death of Britain and the rest of northern Europe, northern Russia, all of Canada and a big part of the U.S.A. Warming isn't a worry, cooling is. Read it all

Just being my usual cheerful little self. Sweet dreams.




Yes, although Prince Harry was joking and larking about in his PRIVATE home video he did make an offensive comment.

In his mock phone call to his Grandma the Queen he ended by saying "God save you".
In former years this would have meant the block for treason but even though in jest there was a hint of mockery at our national anthem.

I am a lukewarm royalist (I would be more supportive of the monarchy if the Queen refused to sign away our British rights to Europe),but this is not mockery of his grandma. It mocks the National Anthem which to me represents our country AND IT'S PEOPLE and thus should not be mocked while it is in use.
I would prefer "I Vow To Thee My Country" but as yet this is not our anthem and we should show respect to the existing one.
All the hoo ha has been about calling in a friendly way a person from Pakistan my "Paki friend", note the last word friend.

These people seem to go about being offended about so many things, English people are afraid to speak in case they are prosecuted.
They should stop being offended. We in our party are often been called offensive names but that seems OK. Only Afro Asians and "gays" must not be offended.

I would like to say WHAT OFFENDS ME--

These people who dislike our way of life are quick to take advantage of it by claiming houses, benefits and suing anyone who "offends" them under the anti British race laws
They are not offended enough to return to or remain in their own countries where they will be shielded from this "offending speech".

NOBODY ASKS WHAT OFFENDS US, well I'm getting sick of it.
What offends you?


I'm trying to improve the look of our blog and make it more user friendly but as an oldie have not mastered all the tricks available.
I await my grand daughters expertise in this.

The header is of a pit wheel which I have in my yard which I thinks represents the people of Wigan and respects the toil and often death of our forebears who bequeathed our town to US.

It is not a big wheel, only 6 foot in diameter but was used on the headgear of a small local pit 100 years ago and latterly at Windy Arbour Colliery. It was I believe originally in the headgear of "Low Brooks Colliery" about which a book was written under the title "The Unfortunate Pit" in view of the many deaths from explosions underground.

I painted the colours in black and gold to represent the wealth (for some) gained from Wigan's famous coal industry (and my sadness at its demise) and my pride in what the working men of Wigan achieved.
