My opinion is that it is better to keep our opponents in the dark over our plans, even though our supporters may wish to know.
We may not stand at all or we may stand in all three constituencies. If we don't we will have given our opponents a lot of work countering a non existant threat from us. If we say we will stand we would give them more time to attack us and any possible candidates.
What I do know is that our party will have a strong presence in the North West.
We have had over 300,000 of the leaflets pictured below delivered to a cental depot for distribution round the North West. These will go out soon after the Christmas holidays and I think carry a strong and relevant message especially in a former mining and fishing region (and people who bemoan the demise of the British pub)
Nick Griffin takes his constituents seriously and follows up local concerns.
How many other NW MEPs can you name? How many have such a leaflet?
When this iniqitous ruling forbidding us to take on new members is lifted next month and we gain another 3000 members nationally our campaign will really take off.
We may have seemed a bit quiet in this area recently (for a variety of reasons) but we are still here getting stronger every day as the other parties show their true colours and people see the truth of our policies.
Next year we hit the ground running but whether we will be standing locally I will tell you later.
In the meantime show your friends the leaflet on this blog and see if they agree with our policies.