Tuesday, 25 May 2010


The ONS today released new statistics showing that 1 in 4 live births took place to mothers of foreign origin.

Further dismay will be caused by the staggering acceleration in this trend: for that 24.7% proportion has more than doubled in just twenty years.

The dismay will be based not on racism in the vast majority of cases, but in the commonsense expectation of inter-community tensions as the age of austerity bites.

The figures also show that people living to an age in excess of 90 have also shot up as the disease/accident death-rate falls dramatically by 20% among men. A nice problem to have? Not any more, it isn't: not after thirteen years of aged care lies and zero planning, alongide Health & safety doing its blinkered bit towards overpopulation....and with the biggest welfare cut in our history about to take place.

I'm sure that none of this is on the ToryDem radar. This kind of stuff never is on government's radar. That's why it gets through to bomb our society to bits.

Found it here - click the blue.



We think we're the only EU country with a Third-World mass immigration problem caused by the EU?

This is the picture in the Netherlands. Of course, they have less than 1/5th of the Third-World (mostly Mohammedan) immigration problem we have ... but then, the Netherlands has only about 1/5th of the indigenous population we have. So our two countries have, like for like, about the same problem.

This costs them about 7.2 BILLION Euros A YEAR!. So how much does it cost us, in these times of austerity? And our new (meet the new boss - same as the old boss) government says it's having a hard time deciding where to cut just £6billion? I'm sure I'm not the only bloke who can see an instant pain-free (for us) way of saving about £30billion - five times that figure? SEAL THE BORDERS! We're an island, and the NewLayabout government didn't entirely succeed in destroying the armed forces, so it would be easy enough.

And think of all the savings we could make from shutting down the now-redundant "diversity" industry, and all its associated tax eaters?

Here's something said in the Netherlands:

  ... he intoned that non-western immigrants cannot be viewed exclusively as 'a cost item', maintaining that people should not be viewed as 'economic goods in a cost/benefit analysis'. However, given that for years we were told we need immigration to pay for and care for our ageing population, that about-face is a bit on the lame side, isn't it? 

Here - go read it all (not long) including the numbers.




I see Andy Burnham has admitted that people's fears on the levels of immigration to our country have not been taken seriously enough by his party.
He must have been told this by canvassers in Leigh as he is rarely seen in his constituency, apart from photo opportunities taken to show him in a good light.
Perhaps our better than expected results in our area have given him food for thought.

As regards people's fears one only needs to see the names of those who replaced our BNP councillors in Dagenham. Apart from one all the names are of people of an ethnic minority (soon it seems to be an ethnic majority). Much of this was achieved by gerrymandering (thousands of new voters registered in the last few weeks prior to the election), the blatant racism of "operation Black Vote" (can we have "Operation White Vote" or is this racist?) and blatant postal vote fraud.
This is the fate which awaits us in Wigan and Leigh if this colonisation onslaught is not halted soon. Already we have a muslim MP in Wigan it seems although her name seems a disguise and we have had muslim Tory candidates for Makerfield and Leigh.

Is this what we really want? I'm sure if Burnham and the Tory hierarchy asked the people they would be told NO in no uncertain terms.

WE HAVE LESS THAN 30 YEARS before we are in a minority in our own land and our population approaches 80 million.

This is unsustainable and a recipe for civil war. We did not ask if we wanted to lose a thousand years of history so we will know who to blame.
We are pleased with our progress and much needs to be done but at an enthusiastic meeting in St Helens last night it was evident it was evident that we are all up for it.

New systems are being put in place to increase our efficiency and we will SOON BE READY TO GO ON THE ATTACK.

So Labour and Tory MPs. Dont sleep too soundly in your beds. We are growing fast.
