Sunday 16 October 2011


The protests against the capitalist system seem to be continuing across the globe, although little is reported in the press.
For information one has to go to the Russian television to see some of what is happening.

Yes I know much of it is propaganda but so is what of what we are force fed in the West.
There is a general and growing disquiet and dissatisfaction with the way the banks are controlling society.

In the comments sections of some of our national paapers people have been saying, why protest against the banks? It is our governments which are responsible.
People who write thus do not understand that our governments do not run or control our countries or the banks. Indeed the banks finance the major parties in this country. They are at the root of the problem so the place to demonstrate is at the corrupt heart of the system, the banks and financial sector.


I am in an unusual position here. Usually I am not on the side of various protesters which are often infiltrated by anarchists and Social Workers party people (an oxymoron if ever I heard one).
Most of those now demonstrating are those who have had their birthright thieved by the system
It is no fault of theirs that they must pay for further education, that there are few apprenticeships or that their education has been so poor, infested as it is by PC nonsense.
It is not their fault that they have as a result no jobs, large debts and no chance of having the funds to set up home.

It is the fault of our generation or those in power of our generation.
I sympathise with those betrayed young and unemployed people who are in a no win situation.

The cause of this generational disaster is solely down to the financial stranglehold the banks and the City of London have on our society.

They sold our assets. They financed corrupt governments to reduce regulations which made them able to sell our "family silver"
In effect the banks and financial institutions are the boss of our government and media.

So what do we do?

Many of the protesters can not remain as they have their jobs to go to tomorrow (some to pay their debts to, guess who?)
Many people for various reasons are unable to contribute to this worldwide anti capitalist movement.

Now I am a big believer of private enterprise. I see no wrong in entrepeneurs and successful businessmen making money.
If they have by their efforts made millions, good luck to them. They have been successful at what they do. They have often created jobs aided our economy. Just as overpaid footballers make massive amounts, their skill with media exposure has enabled them to cash in.
If they no longer attract people to watch them they lose their lucrative jobs, which is as it should be.

What I can't stomach is bankers holding the country to ransom, not by virtue of their ability but just because they control the money and they feel entitled to feed off the rest of society, sentencing many to poverty.


If (an this is not something I would ordinarily say) a general strike was called against the banks I would be all for it.
For various reasons such as people's jobs this can not and will not happen.


The banks depend on our deposits, using them to lend at interest.
Anyone who has a current account should try to reduce the amount in it. They pay no interest on it so take as much as possible out just leaving enough to pay important bills.

Pay in cash so that those you owe to do not need to deposit your money in the banks.
If you have spare cash, dont leave it in the bank. Lend it to a TRUSTED friend to pay off their credit card so that they do not need to pay extortionate rates of interest to the banks,and if you can .
DO NOT HAVE A CREDIT CARD. Wait until you can afford non essentials. Get them when you can afford them or borrow off a friend and not the bank.

I know we can not do all these things but if we all do a bit we will limit the banks hold over us.
They are feeding off us. But with a bit of thought we can all do a bit.

The cashless society is just another way of channelling all transactions through the banks and each time they make a profit, and their bosses "earn" their obscene bonuses.

CUT THEM OUT, and squeeze their profits and do your bit to bring them to heel.

All people need to do their little bit to get these parasites of our collective backs, so help your friends (you know who they are) and help take our assets and country back.
