How he does it I do not know, in Brussels in the morning and at our meeting in Wigan in the evening. He has tremendous energy and it shows his devotion to our region that he managed to make the meeting.
The picture below was taken from Martin Wingfield's blog (sorry Martin) and it shows a small section of those present with not everybody being able to find room at the large circle of tables round the room.
This meant that I had to take a back seat while she sat at the main table. I hope she will talk to me in future.
Seriously I think she will be good after a few lessons of what is expected, as she is a stickler for detail.
Organisers were appointed for new areas as we still have areas which are not adequately covered.
Arrangements were made for closer co operation between groups and branches as we are now in a much larger league and we have to move fast to catch up.
We have great plans for the General Election and candidates are being sought and picked.
The other parties will not know what has hit them come the election.
The meeting lasted 3 hours including a short break and many continued discussing details until nearly midnight.
What a difference a couple of years makes when a small back room in a pub would have been sufficient, we really are growing fast, much of it due to Clive Jefferson whose dedication and push as helped us so much, in spite of the worst that our enemies can throw at us.
These get togethers always leave me elated. It's nice to keep in touch with old friends, exchange experiences and become motivated to overcome the hurdles the undemocratic antics of those against us.