I see our illustrious Andy Burnham and McCartney are involved in a homeless initiative in Wigan to tackle these issues in Wigan.
They say they will work with "Asylum seekers, travellers, Eastern European migrants and drug users" and advise them on health issues and drug abuse.
Once again they get the wrong end of the stick, perhaps why their policies have been so disastrous in the past.
First of all there is no such person as an asylum seeker as they have all travelled over several safe countries to get here, and are bound by the Geneva Convention to remain in the first safe country they get to.
Secondly "Travellers" are by defintition are on the move, hence the name and should thus have their own travelling accomodation. They are certainly not Wigan's problem.
Eastern European migrants are the same. Why should Wiganers sleep on the street while they live in houses.
Druggies are a product of inadequate policing and penalties for pushers and should be taken in for "Cold Turkey".
Hundreds of decent Wiganers, hard working taxpayers can not get accomodation because of marital breakup and draconian laws.
Our duty as a community should give priority in housing to these our brothers.
The others have nothing to do with us and should not have priority while one genuine Wiganer is homeless.
One matter these paragons of virtue our MPs do not mention, houses. They talk about "health" and "alcoholism" and "drugs".
What good is that if there are no houses?
TYPICAL LABOUR, ALL TALK AND NO MEANINGFUL ACTION but no doubt great expense. Put the money into social housing and less on "initiatives"
But then there would be enough houses in the town if all these people who do not belong were not here.
We are encouraged to welcome these outsiders EVEN WHEN OUR OWN CAN NOT GET HOUSES.