
Saturday, 28 February 2009
So much for their concerns for the British workers, community or economy.
Our self styled "Socialist" MP for Makerfield has sold his soul for pieces of silver,not for the first time (remember his £111,000 per year for his part time job helping to decommission the Sellafield nuclear plant) well he did fry a few eggs before he landed his overpaid MPs job.
Not much could be expected of Neil Turner, Wigan's invisible MP. He just follows his masters like a lap dog.
Pretty boy Andy Burnham is young enough not to rock the boat while stabbing his constituents in the back. He is young enough to expect a job in the future shadow cabinet so he must not blot his copy book must he?
The arguments for part privatisation of Royal Mail are spurious. Yes more efficiencies have to be made and there is competition from e mail, but why can these improvements not be done within Royal Mail?. Presumably any firm buying a share would expect to make a profit so why can it not be done within the present company and we, the people have any future profit?
Post Office staff not productive enough, OK sack the bosses, they are supposed to be running the business, and get better ones.
Not enough money? There is an unlimited amount to bail out the banks, why not the Post Office.
We as a country have lived for too long by selling off "the family silver" and look where it has got us. The only ones to profit have been the thieves of the city of London and now Mandelson's mates want to do it again while the rest of us suffer.
An remember in Germany the Deutsch Post is very profitable but it costs 96 pence to post a letter.
Our MPs, Socialists? My a**e.
Friday, 27 February 2009
He has not been refused entry to any other country, and has been invited to such meetings in several. Recently, he attended an exact equivalent meeting and film show in the U.S. Congress. Here is the text of the speech he made – undoubtedly pretty much the same speech he would have made here, except here he would probably have made references to Churchill rather than Reagan. He was, after all, speaking to an American audience.
So: is this a free country? Do we have free speech (we have the experience of our Chairman to judge by too)? Surely freedom of speech IS the freedom to give offence.
The speech:
Thank you.
Thank you very much for inviting me. And - to the immigration authorities - thank you for letting me into this great country. It is always a pleasure to cross a border without being sent back on the first plane.
I feel very honoured to have the privilege to speak and to show my short documentary Fitna here in this heart of your democracy, here in the US Senate.
Today, the dearest of our many freedoms is under attack all throughout Europe. Free speech is no longer a given. What we once considered a natural element of our existence, our birth right, is now something we once again have to battle for.
As you might know, I will be prosecuted in my own country, because of my film Fitna, my remarks regarding Islam, and my view concerning what some call a “religion of peace”.
A few years from now, I might be a criminal. And on top of that The Kingdom of Jordan also threatens to prosecute me for insulting Islam and ask for my extradition.
Whether or not I end up in jail is not the most pressing issue; I gave up my freedom four and a half years ago. I am under full-time police protection ever since because of death threats from muslims and terrorist groups linked to Al Qaida. In the last few years I lived in different safehouses, army-baracks and yes: even prison cells in order to be safe.But it’s not about me. The real question is: will free speech be put behind bars?
And the larger question for the West is: will we leave Europe’s children the values of Rome, Athens and Jerusalem, or the values of Mecca, Teheran and Gaza?
This is what video blogger Pat Condell said in one of his latest you tube appearances. He says: “if I talked about Muslims the way their holy book talks about me, I’d be arrested for hate speech.”
Now Mr. Condell is a stand-up comedian, but in the video he is dead serious and the joke is on us. Hate speech will always be used against the people defending the West - in order to please and appease Muslims. They can say whatever they want: throw gays from apartment buildings, kill the Jews, slaughter the infidel, destroy Israel, jihad against the West. Whatever their book tells them.
Ladies and gentlemen, make no mistake, my prosecution is a full-fledged attack by the left on freedom of speech in order to please Muslims. In fact it was started by a member of the Dutch Labour party. If you read what the court of Amsterdam has written about me, you read the same texts that cultural relativists produce.
In fact, cultural relativism is the worst disease in Europe today. Most of our politicians believe that all cultures are equal. Well let me tell you they are not. Our Western culture based on Christianity, Judaism and humanism is in every aspect better than the Islamic culture. Like the brave apostate Wafa Sultan said: it’s a comparison between a culture of reason and a culture of barbarism.
Back to my country. How low can we go in the Netherlands? About my prosecution, The Wall Street Journal noted: “this is no small victory for Islamic regimes seeking to export their censorship laws to wherever Muslims reside”. The Journal concluded that by The Netherlands accepting the free speech standards of, say, Saudi-Arabia, I stand correct in my observation that - I quote- “Muslim immigration is eroding traditional Dutch liberties”.
Now, if the Wall Street Journal has the moral clarity to see that my prosecution is the logical outcome of our disastrous, self-hating, cultural relativists immigration policies, then why can’t the European liberal establishment see the same thing? Why aren’t they getting at least a little bit scared by the latest news out of, for example, the UK?The news tells [us] that the Muslim population in Britain is growing ten times as fast as the rest of society. Why don’t they care?
The answer is: they don’t care because they are blinded by their cultural relativism. Their disdain of the West is so much greater than the appreciation of our many liberties. And therefore, they are willing to sacrifice everything.
The left once stood for women’s rights, gay rights, equality, democracy. Now, they favour immigration policies that will end all this. Many have even lost their decency. Elite politicians in Europe have no problem to participate in or finance demonstrations where Muslims shout “Death to the Jews”.
Seventy years after Auschwitz they know of no shame.
Two weeks ago, I tried to get into Britain, a fellow EU country. I was invited to give a speech in Parliament. However, upon arrival at London airport, I was refused entry into the UK, detained for three hours and sent back on the first plane to The Netherlands. The reason: I would threaten community harmony and therefore public security. And all this because of my film “Fitna”.
An absolute disgrace. The British Home Secretary even publicly admitted on BBC TV that she never watched my film Fitna but decided to ban [it] from the UK anyway.
If I would have been admitted to the UK I would have loved to have reminded the audience of a great man who once spoke in the House of Commons. In 1982 President Reagan gave a speech there that very few people liked. Reagan called upon the West to reject communism and defend freedom. He introduced a phrase: “evil empire”. Reagan’s speech stands out as a clarion call to preserve our liberties. I quote: “If history teaches anything, it teaches self-delusion in the face of unpleasant facts is folly”. What Reagan meant is that you cannot run away from history, you cannot escape the dangers of ideologies that are out to destroy you.
Denial is no option.
Ladies and gentlemen, I suggest to defend freedom in general and freedom of speech in particular. I propose the withdrawal of all hate speech legislation in Europe. I propose a European First Amendment. In Europe we should defend freedom of speech like you Americans do. In Europe freedom of speech should be extended, instead of restricted. Of course, calling for violence or unjustly yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre have to be punished, but the right to criticize ideologies or religions [is a] necessary condition for a vital democracy.
As George Orwell once said: “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”.
Let us defend freedom of speech and let us gain strength and work hard to become even stronger. Millions think just like you and me. Millions think liberty is precious. That democracy is better than sharia. And after all, why should we be afraid? Our many freedoms and our prosperity are the result of centuries of endeavour. Centuries of hard work and sacrifice. We do not stand alone.
Ladies and gentlemen, our enemies should know: we will never apologize for being free men, we will never give in. We will never surrender. There is no stronger power than the force of free men fighting for the great cause of liberty. Because freedom is the birthright of all man.
Freedom must prevail, and freedom will prevail.
Thank you very much.
Geert Wilders
Chairman Party for Freedom (PVV)
Thursday, 26 February 2009
When I was at school until the age of 18 there was no sex education and no contraceptive pill or abortion.
There was not one pupil who became pregnant. Why? Because it did not pay.
In those days our hormones were just as strong as they are now but the girls were told that they would be in BIG trouble if they became pregnant and we boys would have been responsible for any pregnancies.
This is how people behave. If something pays they will do it. That's why free enterprise pays. If fraud pays that's why it is perpetrated and why the banking system has bankrupted the country. It paid to be greedy.
Crime is on the increase because the penalties are too weak ie crime pays.
Immigrants come here instead of remaining in France because it pays.
Employers take on immigrants at the expense of local people because it pays.
Some things do not pay so we don't do them.
I don't drink and drive because to lose my licence does not pay. When there was no risk I did.
The other parties demonise us because their cosy cabal pays them and we are a threat.
The newspapers villify us and will not accept our adverts because of pressure from the authorities make it financially bad for them to do so. They say it is on ethical grounds but still accept adverts for prostitutes because these bring in revenue ie pay.
Tony Blair took us in his illegal wars to cosy up to America so that he could make money there in speeches.
People will always respond willingly to incentives.
Fascists such as this government believe coercion will work. It may do for a bit but human nature will always in the end prevail.
So the answer to all our woes is to incentivise people to do the right thing by the community.
Make single pregnancy a thing to be feared.
Give stiff and deterrant sentences to criminals (especially violent thugs and fraudulent people such as bankers).
Stop benefits for supposedly asylum seekers.
Heavy fines for employers who take them on.
etc etc I could go on and on.
The only way to rebuild this broken and increasingly alien society is to reward the hard workers who put so much in and keep themselves out of trouble and penalise heavily these antisocial people who are destroying us.
It's not hard and most would end up with a higher standard of living instead of being dragged down paying out for those who always take out of society.
He posts new articles once or twice every month and I read them all. Even when I disagree with him I can see where he’s bringing his arguments from; and he does make you think, which is never a bad thing. We don’t know it all, and we shouldn’t refuse to read stuff just because it’s not a nationalist saying it.
This is his website, and I recommend that everyone reads what he says
This text is extracted from Commentary 181 (look down the sidebar on the left-hand side of the page). Look through the sidebar, click on any of the articles that catch your attention. There are 181 to choose from. Much of the advice he gives is good for nationalists too.
My first piece of advice is to understand the nature of your enemy. If you come into government, you will be in at least the same position as Ramsay MacDonald, when he formed the first Labour Government in the 1920s. He faced an Establishment that was broadly conservative. The administration, the media, the universities, big business - all were hostile to what it was believed he wanted to do. The first Labour Governments were in office, but not fully in power, as they were not accepted by the people with whom and through whom they had to rule the country. To a lesser degree, Clement Attlee and Harold Wilson faced the same constraints. …
Over the past few generations, a new Establishment or ruling class has emerged in this country. It is a loose coalition of politicians, bureaucrats, educators, media people and associated business interests. These are people who derive income and status from an enlarged and activist state. They have been turning this country into a soft-totalitarian police state. They are not always friendly to a Labour Government. But their natural political home is the Labour Party. …
The Thatcher Government set out to fight and defeat an earlier and less confident version of the Establishment - but only on those fronts where its policies were most resisted. It won numerous battles, but, we can now see, it lost the war. For example, I well remember the battle over abolition of the Greater London Council. This appeared at the time a success. But I am not aware of one bureaucrat who lost his job at the GLC who was not at once re-employed by one of the London Boroughs or by some other agency of the State. And we know that Ken Livingstone was eventually restored to power in London.
If you want to win the battle for this country, you need to take advice from the Marxists. These are people whose ends were evil where not impossible. But they were experts in the means to their ends. They knew more than we have ever thought about the seizure and retention of power. I therefore say this to you. If you ever do come to power, and if you want to bring about the irreversible transfer of power to ordinary people, you should take to heart what Marx said in 1871, after the failure of the Paris Commune: “the next attempt of the French Revolution will be no longer, as before, to transfer the bureaucratic-military machine from one hand to another, but to smash it, and this is the precondition for every real people’s revolution”.
The meaning of this is that you should not try to work with the Establishment. You should not try to jolly it along. You should not try fighting it on narrow fronts. You must regard it as the enemy, and you must smash it.
On the first day of your government, you should close down the BBC. You should take it off air. You should disclaim its copyrights. You should throw all its staff into the street. You should not try to privatise the BBC. This would simply be to transfer the voice of your enemy from the public to the private sector, where it might be more effective in its opposition. You must shut it down - and shut it down at once. You should do the same with much of the administration. The Foreign Office, much of the Home Office, the Commission for Racial Equality, anything to do with health and safety and planning and child protection - I mean much of the public sector - these should be shut down. If at the end of your first month in power, you have not shut down half of the State, you are failing. If you have shut down half the State, you have made a step in the right direction, and are ready for still further cuts.
Let me emphasise that the purpose of these cuts would not be to save money for the taxpayers or lift an immense weight of bureaucracy from their backs - though they would do this. The purpose is to destroy the Establishment before it can destroy you. You must tear up the web of power and personal connections that make these people effective as an opposition to radical change. If you do this, you will face no more clamour than if you moved slowly and half-heartedly. Again, I remember [the] campaign against the Thatcher "cuts". There were no cuts, except in the rate of growth of state spending. You would never have thought this from the the torrent of protests that rolled in from the Establishment and its clients. And so my advice is to go ahead and make real cuts - and be prepared to set the police on anyone who dares riot against you.
[ … ]
Following from this, however, I advise you to leave large areas of the welfare state alone. It is regrettable, but most people in this country do like the idea of healthcare free at the point of use, and of free education, and of pensions and unemployment benefit. …
Go read it all. Particularly note how it’s brought to an end – something we in the BNP are all too familiar with. Seems you don’t have to be BNP to be a “Fascist” – you just have to have views at variance with the Leftard Nufascists. They try to shut you up whenever they realize that you know how to beat them, and want you to stop telling everyone else. What do you think the “No platform” policy is all about?
That is something we DO know all about, isn’t it.
And here are a couple of bits that he left out – when you shut these departments down, you must immediately get on with shredding and incinerating all their databases, contacts and personnel files – everything, the lot. Otherwise they will just have a foundation to carry on where they left off if ever they again get themselves in a position to access all that information. Just a thought. Shred it – incinerate it.
And the ABSOLUTE FIRST two things the incoming BNP government must do before even all that: Secede from the EU and all previously signed treaties. No negotiations, no discussions – just push a one-paragraph bill through Parliament. Will only take a few hours. And order our armed forces returned home immediately from wherever in the world they are (with their equipment). We just may need them to defend our borders from a now-hostile EU, and we will certainly need our navy to defend the integrity of our territorial waters from foreign fish-looters backed by foreign navies.
Then get on with the above.
Sean Gabb – recommended reading. Even for nationalists.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
The independant Wigan Refugee and Migrant Forum (WARM) (who pays for them?) states that there is a lack of cultural awareness in the local population and evidence of "far right" (that's us folks) in the area.
Why should we have cultural awareness? Why should we welcome these uninvited guests?
Who decided that they should come here? We certainly did not.
They say they want the poor housing conditions of these immigrants to be addressed. What about Wiganers who can not get a house?
They want "hate crimes" to be reported however trivial. More work for Elliot then.
They say we need them as our population is ageing. Do they not have children or will they not?
They say the immigrants will go back home after working here. Pull the other one, most of them do not work now
We don't need them nor want them. We have plenty of unemployed people to look after our old people and to pay them well if they got rid of the parasitic bureaucracy in Wigan Metro (that's people like you Elliot).
We have no wish to be enriched nor vibrant. We want our true Wigan spirit of honest hard working Lancastrians. We have not voted for this invasion.
I note there was no comments section after this article. I wonder why?
Far right in this area? "You aint seen nothing yet"
And here’s what really happened
Read them both.
A British government? For British people?
We know about the government attitude. Given the silence from all the other political parties we can make a fair guess at their attitude.
So who to vote for to get that British government for British people?
That question’s a no-brainer really isn’t it. The answer is in the name:
BRITISH National Party.
It does what it says on the tin.
From the BBC story:
" Russian parent firm Gaz said ... "
From the EU Referendum story:
" As it was, shorn of any prospects of participating in a valuable £1 billion-plus contract, in 2005 LDV was put into administration and rescued by a venture capital firm, a year later then Hoovered up by the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, owner of the Russian military truck-maker Gaz. He got it for the knock-down price of £50 million, a fraction of what it would have been worth had it secured the MoD order. "
All part of the scandal. Do read both versions in full.
The BBC should have all its activities subjected to a thorough judicial investigation.
Monday, 23 February 2009
See what you think.
Dear Ms Phillips,
I am a retired GP from a large medical family. I was involved in local government as a Labour councillor until local government re organisation and work commitments made it impossible to continue. I topped the poll every time I stood.
I have been a member of the BNP for 6 years and was proud to be named "on the list" last November.
I take exception to you calling our Party fascist (odious is a matter of opinion) Surely the fascist epithet should be applied to the Labour Party,who, with the silent connivance of the Tories, when not killing and maiming in illegal wars have presided over the squandering of our national assets to subsidise the parasitic bankers of the City and the idle underclass whose reluctance to work is used as an excuse for flooding our country with immigrants.
We have not advocated imposing our "democracy" on reluctant Arabs nor expropriated land belonging to others as has Israel.
Your accusation of "populism" typifies the attitude of the out of touch metropolitan elite who seek to keep we "plebs" down. Populism is democracy, or do you not believe in democracy?.
Nick Griffin was prosecuted for a "speech crime" ie stating an opinion (surely an oxymoron in a so called "free society") He also supports Israel in the Arab Israeli conflict, unlike most "liberals" and "anti fascists".
I have visited Auschwitz and have no doubt about the horror and evil of the place although have to question the numbers. But one murder is too many.
The fact that it is a criminal offence in some countries to even doubt the veracity of the Jewish holocaust does make one smell a rat. All other atrocities can be debated, why not this?
As you say there is nothing wrong with patriotism, all peoples exhibit that sentiment, but this is rapidly eroded by mass immigration of people of different races and cultures and we arrive at a Balkanisation of the country and consequent strife.
Countries as disparate as Japan, China, India,Russia or Israel do not allow unfettered immigration so why should we?
Our party is neither fascist nor racist. All we ask is to have and to hold this small overcrowded island for us in our interests. We do not seek to impose our values on any other country and nor do we say "send all immigrants back".
As you say the people of this country feel betrayed by the major parties. I meet Tories and Labour people daily, and during canvassing and the change in attitude is palpable.
Continually ignoring the people gives them a feeling of impotence and is the cause of low election turn outs.
Further manifestations of contempt of the masses by the elite would lead to civil strife. This is what I as a member of the BNP work to avoid.
Please therefore desist from portraying us as the ogres.
Extremists we are NOT.
Yours sincerely,
Dr C E Mather (MB ChB), phone 01744 892430.
Sandyforth Farm,
Ashton Road,
Billinge, Wigan WN5 7XZ.
P S If you want a public debate I would not give you as easy a run as our Lee Barnes.did recently. Go on, I dare you.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Limp Wristed Labour "attack" Back?
Now, given that a number of our BNP activists had been out and about the previous weekend delivering in excess of two thousand leaflets in the Leigh South area and beyond, it was not exactly unexpected that they may come out to counter our publication? And, they have! Albeit with a Winter 2008 heading? Telling us how 87% of people interviewed for PACT said that Leigh South was a good place to live! I agree, it is a good place to live, if only we are given the same privileges afforded to other's that haven't been here as long as we have!
Anyway, I can now sleep easier at night knowing that the top five concerns of those 87% of Leigh South residents interviewed have now been addressed, and in particular, pooper scoopers are to be issued "free of charge" in certain area's of our ward to combat lazy dog owners! And additionally, the rubbish left at the bottom of Hurst Street is to be removed! I can fully understand that these are issues to be addressed, but, these are not the issues I get told about when I am out and about, certainly not!
For just one example: the couple who told me about their child who cannot gain a place at the local primary school even though they are well within the school's catchment area, because it's over subscribed, and yet the school allow's children of immigrants to bypass the system and take these places ahead of our own in the name of diversity! And this happened just after OFSTED attended?
That is just one "real" issue for the people of Leigh South and ignoring the fact that we are being displaced in our very own area of Leigh should send alarm bells ringing to Cllr Rigby who's next in-line in 2010 and then Cllr O'Brien for my colleague in 2011 and last but not least the anti-white racist Cllr Anderson in 2012.
I have submitted a Freedom of Information request to determine just how they attained their findings for this PACT publication. I will let you know the outcome in due course!
Friday, 20 February 2009
decade was that the public failed to pay attention to what was happening in
Parliament. Laws that fundamentally challenged our traditions of rights and liberty and flew in the face of the Human Rights Act (“HRA”) were passed with relatively little debate. Few grasped the impact they would have on our society and Ministers were able to brush aside protests with assurances that their desire to protect us was equal to their respect for civil liberties.
The difficulty campaigners faced was to press home the argument about the
scale of the loss. An account was needed to show that the legislative programme,
which swept away centuries old rights and transferred so much power from the
individual to the state, actually existed. Now we have that evidence and the
Convention on Modern Liberty can demonstrate with confidence what Britain has
lost and discuss how this crisis of liberty took root in one of the world’s oldest
democracies and what to do about it.
This report by the UCL Student Human Rights Programme (“UCLSHRP”)
is a concise and approachable inventory of the loss. It is a profoundly disturbing
document, even for those who thought they knew about the subject, for it not only describes the wholesale removal of rights that were apparently protected by the HRA and set down nearly 800 years ago in Magna Carta, it also shows how the unarticulated liberties that we assumed were somehow guaranteed by British culture have been compromised.
The same is true of constitutional safeguards that
were once considered beyond the reach of a democratically elected legislature.
The attack is as broad as it is deep. Over 25 Acts of Parliament and some 50
individual measures are involved.
It concerns you all, so please read it all. It's not a particularly lengthy document. And while you're reading it, do bear in mind the repeated incidents of legislation being introduced ostensibly for one purpose, then being used for another. For example, can anyone even begin to explain why anti-terror legislation should be used against an Icelandic bank? Yes - that does read 'Icelandic'. Iceland? Terrorist? ... there's something wrong with this picture isn't there. Or Walter Wolfgang, a former internee in the Nazi concentration camp system, arrested under anti-terrorist legislation for shouting one word - "Nonsense" - at Jack Straw.
Read it - everyone needs to know this stuff because what is legislated against immigrants, terrorists or indeed anyone else today, WILL be used against you tomorrow.
Would you like to bet otherwise? Based on experience of the past 12 years?
A report was given of our recent progress and plans for the future in this critical Euro election year. We are intending icreasing our leafletting operations especially in the areas South of Wigan as we have been getting good feedback in spite of not having concentrating in these areas. People are increasingly fed up of the lies, incompetence and greed of the other parties.
Members were informed of the offer of a large new venue which we will be taking advantage of in the coming weeks.
Credit was given to members who had worked hard leafletting in Leigh and Pemberton while realising much still needs to be done.
The first speaker was Eddie O'Sullivan, Salford organiser who was recently described in a newspaper article as "deceptively friendly". He certainly is friendly but I did not notice any deception in his demeanour.
Eddie explained the depths to which the fascists of the Labour Party were prepared to stoop in order to prevent our lawful leafletting exposing their lies and discrimination against the white unemployed of Manchester.
This included a jobs fair for black and ethnic minorities at Manchester town hall from which white people were excluded.
While leafletting explaining this blatant discrimination they were monitored by over 20 police and a helicopter.
At another public meeting they attended incognito they managed to ask questions of the organisers which the latter were not able to answer. Derek Adams the well known activist was not allowed to enter the meeting.
So much for a public meeting! So much fear of the truth!
Following the interval we were entertained by one of our favourite speakers, Dr Paul Rimmer who spoke movingly of the threat to our society and its' Christian heritage by the rapid influx of people of alien faiths. He said he had nothing against them as people but that the numbers were diluting our heritage and culture, but he saw that people were waking up to the danger and he had faith that our party would soon break through in spite of the obstacles put in our path.
Some new people attended and were favourably impressed, this being one of the objectives of our meetings, to gain new supporters and dispel the false impressions given by the media and other parties whose only defence against our arguments is to vilify us while refusing to debate.
A good collection was held together with a raffle and 5 full penny boxes were returned all of which will go to fighting the Euro elections.
Thanks to all who attended.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Mean Mums
Someday when my children are old enough to understand the logic that motivates a parent, I will tell them, as my Mean Mum told me:
I loved you enough . . . to ask where you were going, with whom,and what time you would be home.
I loved you enough to be silent and let you discover that your new best friend was a creep.
I loved you enough to stand over you for two hours while you cleaned your room, a job that should have taken 15 minutes.
I loved you enough to let you see anger, disappointment, and tears in my eyes. Children must learn that their parents aren’t perfect.
I loved you enough to let you assume the responsibility for your actions even when the penalties were so harsh they almost broke my heart.
But most of all, I loved you enough . . . to say NO when I knew you would hate me for it.
Those were the most difficult battles of all. I’m glad I won them, because in the end you won, too. And someday when your children are old enough to understand the logic that motivates parents, you will tell them.
Was your Mum mean? I know mine was. We had the meanest mother in the whole world! While other kids ate candy for breakfast, we had to have cereal, eggs, and toast.
When others had a Pepsi and a Twinkie for lunch, we had to eat sandwiches.
And you can guess our mother fixed us a dinner that was different from what other kids had, too.
Mother insisted on knowing where we were at all times. You’d think we were convicts in a prison. She had to know who our friends were, and what we were doing with them. She insisted that if we said we would be gone for an hour, we would be gone for an hour or less.
We were ashamed to admit it, but she had the nerve to break the Child Labour Laws by making us work. We had to wash the dishes, make the beds, learn to cook, vacuum the floor, do laundry, empty the trash and all sorts of cruel jobs. I think she would lie awake at night thinking of more things for us to do.
She always insisted on us telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. By the time we were teenagers, she could read our minds and had eyes in the back of her head. Then, life was really tough!
Mother wouldn’t let our friends just honk the horn when they drove up. They had to come up to the door so she could meet them. While everyone else could date when they were 12 or 13, we had to wait until we were 16..
Because of our mother we missed out on lots of things other kids experienced. None of us have ever been caught shoplifting, vandalizing others' property or ever arrested for any crime. It was all her fault.
Now that we have left home, we are all educated, honest adults. We are doing our best to be mean parents just like Mum was.
I think that is what’s wrong with the world today. It just doesn’t have enough mean mums!
Monday, 16 February 2009
Please come along and enjoy the company and stimulating discussion .
For further details please ring 07779 321542.
Sorry for the short notice.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
What is it? Is it a police organisation? Is it any sort of agency of the state? Anyone know for sure? It certainly SOUNDS official - but is it really?
How about taking on board that it is, actually, a Private Limited Company.
Which was lifted almost word for word from
following nearly 2 years of investigative work by Libertarian Party Leader - Ian Parker-Joseph. Our journalists are bone idle and don't even have the decency to give accreditation where it's due.
And if that whets your appetite to find out more, there's plenty here, some of it in very fine detail:
Doesn't this disturb you a little? Who are these people accountable to? Does anyone trust them?
They have real power over you - but they don't even have to answer questions under the Freedom of Information Act. It doesn't apply to them.
ACPO's members are police officers who hold the rank of Chief Constable, Deputy Chief Constable or Assistant Chief Constable, or their equivalents, in the forty four forces of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, national police agencies and certain other forces in the UK, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, and certain senior non-police staff. There are presently 280 members of ACPO.
[It would be very interesting to know who “certain other forces” and “certain senior non-police staff” are. Serious question: anyone got any guesses about that? - Morg]
The Statement of Purpose for the Company is:“The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) is an independent, professionally led strategic body. In the public interest and, in equal and active partnership with Government and the Association of Police Authorities, ACPO leads and coordinates the direction and development of the police service in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In times of national need ACPO, on behalf of all chief officers, coordinates the strategic policing response.”
Got that. In equal and active partnership with Government. A limited company, sitting outside of the terms of the FOI act, acting outside of any judicial oversight, which sets policy and issues directives to the Police forces of the UK equal to Government.
In 1999 it set up a subsidiary company, called ACPO CPI Ltd … ACPO CPI Ltd will be managing the accreditation of private companies under the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme. This is the scheme that has hit the headlines this week with charges of the Home Office creating a Stasi type organisation in the UK.
… It should be clearly understood that ACPO CPI Ltd is not responsible for granting or refusing accreditation. ACPO CPI Ltd undertakes the examination of a company and then makes a recommendation to the Chief Officer responsible in the force area in which the application for accreditation has been made. It is each Chief Officer who individually decides whether to grant approval or not.
But bearing in mind, the same Chief Officers are also owners/ members of the ACPO, and therefore owners of ACPO CPI Ltd, it is unreasonable to assume that they will refuse any application recommended by themselves.
So now we have a situation where Chief Police Officers have formed a limited company, that company sets policy for all the Police Forces of the UK except Scotland, controls the force of PCSO's working alongside sworn police officers, and is now in the process via a subsidiary limited company of setting up private forces via an accreditation scheme sanctioned by the Home Office encapsulated in the Police Reform Act 2002.
Is this the creation of a private policing operation in the UK, completely outside of judicial oversight, whilst our sworn Police Officers are stuck behind desks filling in forms.
To make matters even worse, Chief Officers have completely washed their hands of any responsibility for the conduct of these private companies, the IPPC is excluded, instead, leaving any complaints by members of the public to be dealt with by those private company's own complaints procedures.
The attached document CSAS updated, Private Sector Companies, outlines the powers which are granted to these private operators, including handing out FPN's in contravention of the
Bill of Rights 1689 which guarantees citizens 'that all grants and promises of fines and forfeitures before conviction are illegal and void'.
It is clearly extending and enhancing the role of Big Brother government into the Policing of the UK using what can only be described as a private militia. (again, very illegal).
… So its not about Community Safety (we have police officers for that), it is about the beginning of a private police force, a private militia, a Stasi. But what makes it even worse is that it will all be under the control of Senior Policemen behind a shield of limited companies.
… Reading through these documents, which are all in the public domain, but as the saying goes 'hidden in plain view', it is becoming quite clear that the setting up of a Police State is very well advanced, but in such a way that Politicians and Chief Constables can deny.
By taking the route that the ACPO have, putting everything behind a shield of limited companies, exempt from the Freedom of Information act and operating outside of judicial oversight, we are right to assume that the Police State are the unwritten objectives.
This is what is known as 'Leading beyond Authority', the doctrine taught to so many police and political leaders by Common Purpose. Now you’re seeing it in action, and it's ugly, offensive and dangerous.
… As for the widely held view that Jacqui Smith is setting up a Stasi, which the
To close the loop, it appears that the 3rd member of the Triumvate, the Association of Police Authorities (APA) is also a limited company, which means that they also sit outside of the requirements of the FOI Act and any judicial oversight. Their Articles of Association attached.
Or the NPIA who I wrote about in April 07. The NPIA is NOT a Crown body. The NPIA is a non-departmental public body (NDPB) sponsored and funded by the Home Office. The NPIA will have a budget of around £700m in its first year. These are the guys who run all the Databases, the PNC, the DNA database, the Childrens DNA database, the Sex&Violent Offenders Database, IDENT1, the National Fingerprint and Palmprint database etc. In other words party political control of key police functions, because they report to the minister, not the ministry.
… Its easy to see why so many real police men and women, sworn officers, are feeling so hacked off at whats going on, so frustrated. … Please also note that I am detailing primarily the ACPO not Police Forces when I say they are outside of the FOI Act.So, when you are told, nothing to see here, move on, just remember who is telling you that.
Be afraid, very very afraid. Go read it all. It’s a lot of reading, and quite complex, but we really do ALL need to know about this. When I say ALL, I mean everyone, every adult in the entire country. This is well beyond party politics.
Saturday, 14 February 2009
MP Andy "burn em all" Burnham Feels The Local Wrath

Friday, 13 February 2009
"Some derogatory comments were being made about Muslims that offended her," [ oh no, that can't be so. Who ever heard of Mohammedans getting offended?] Hassan told Reuters ahead of Tuesday's launch. "She was seven months pregnant [well there's a surprise], and she thought she didn't want her kids growing up in this environment [a Sharia environment would be such an improvement]."
So he founded Bridges TV to combat negative perceptions of Muslims.
But now that he has beheaded his wife, I'm afraid this prominent moderate Muslim will only be feeding those negative perceptions.
[ ... ]
Authorities say Aasiya Hassan recently had filed for divorce from her husband [my oh my, who would have guessed it - Morg].
So the moderate Mohammedan cut her head off.
Go read it all:
I wonder if he'd have gotten the Wilders treatment if he'd turned up at Heathrow a week ago? What with him being a "Moderate Muslim" and all. But then Wilders, so we're told by our lords and masters, is an extremist.
I live on planet Earth. Where do our lords and masters live?
Geert Wilders is like a smoke alarm, warning us of the impending danger. To ignore the alarm is foolish and in the government's case criminal. As Morgan said in his post, islamic extremists can come in almost with impunity and they do not warn of danger, they preach death to the infidels (that's us folks).
I object to the campaigning of people such as "Lord" Kahn and his threats as well as the slimy Keith Vaz to prevent Mr Wilders admission. What right do these people, born abroad have to tell us who we should admit?
The power that these people and their fellow fifth columnists have already shows the danger we face when their numbers increase to form a large proportion of the population.
This inept and corrupt government, in order to gain the muslim vote and secure more time at the trough can only appease these anti British people. The Tories are notable by their silence on this matter, seeking to curry favour with the same groups for similar reasons.
Appeasement does not work as shown before WW2, it shows a weakness that the other side will exploit, and is doing.
We did not ask for this massive influx of people whose values are so alien to us. Some democracy! It has been forced on us and we are prohibited from complaining.
Never mind though. This attempt to stifle free speech and prohibit a patriot from The Netherlands entering the country has resulted in massive publicity and many who would never have heard of the film will now see it in its full horror.
Below is the link to the film
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Strange isn't it: the Government claims that because of European Union rules it can't exclude Latvian farm workers, Italian, Portuguese or Polish construction workers, Romanian Pikey pickpockets etc from the UK. It cannot deport Albanian pimps or assorted murderers and rapists.
However, along comes a squeaky clean Dutch elected member of parliament who says things the Mohammedans and multi-cultis don't like, and all of a sudden ... no sweat.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Not much Christian charity there then, although the ban does not stop clergy voting for us.
In their anxiety to be inclusive and accomodating to everybody they have lost sight of what they exist to do, namely promote Christianity.
While membership of the BNP is prohibited, homosexual clergy are tolerated. The Archbishop of Canterbury advocates Sharia Law and C of E schools have separate muslim assemblies.
The church has lost all meaning and purpose. No wonder the churches are becoming increasingly empty and many are closing and turned into mosques when their elderly congregations die.
Muslims stick to their faith and do not dilute it to suit modern society.
The Church of England should do the same if it still believes in Christianity which sometimes I doubt.
We of the BNP should not worry too much about this as the C of E has become an irrelevance and nobody takes much notice of what it says.

An indication of what it should be fighting against (taken from Simon Darby's blog), the beliefs of "The Religion of Peace".
Good news however, we are getting much more publicity in the media and even Prescott and Balls are worried about our progress. They talk about us far more than they do about the Lib Dems.
We are getting there!
Later, the members of the House seemed to come to their senses about what they had just submitted to (threat of violence by aliens), and again made arrangements to show the film and a speech from its producer, Geert Wilders.
Now read this (not long):
So, not just the House of Lords (temporarily), but the government itself seems to have submitted to Mohammedan threat of violence, and submitted its (OUR) border admission policies to Mohammedan veto.
This afternoon Mr. Wilders received a letter from the British ambassador to the Netherlands saying that he is a “persona non grata” in the United Kingdom. The ambassador told Mr. Wilders that he is a threat to public security and public harmony because of the controversy created by Fitna. Mr. Wilders intends to go to London anyway. “Let them arrest me in Heathrow,” he says.
If Mr. Wilders is denied entry to the United Kingdom, it will be the first time that Britain refuses entry to an elected politician from another member state of the European Union. The Dutch government has protested to the British government over the unprecedented barring of an EU parliamentarian by another EU country.
The meeting of Mr. Wilders and members of the British Parliament had originally been planned for 29 January, but was postponed. Lord Nazir Ahmed, a Muslim member of the House of Lords (Labour), had threatened to mobilize 10,000 Muslims to prevent Mr. Wilders from entering the British Parliament. Lord Ahmed boasted in the Pakistani press that the cancellation of Mr. Wilders’ visit was “a victory for the Muslim community.”
That'll be the doing of that little worm Milliband.
Monday, 9 February 2009
In this climate the Golliwog doll and other Golliwog emblems were seen as symbols of racial insensitivity. Many books containing Golliwogs were withdrawn from public libraries, and the manufacturing of Golliwog dolls dwindled as the demand for Golliwogs decreased. Many items with Golliwog images were destroyed. Despite much criticism, James Robertson & Sons did not discontinue its use of the Golliwog as a mascot. …
The claim that Golliwogs are racist is supported by literary depictions by writers such as Enid Blyton. Unlike Florence Upton's, Blyton's Golliwogs were often rude, mischievous, elfin villains. In Blyton's book, "Here Comes Noddy Again", a Golliwog asks the hero for help, then steals his car. … [ hahahahahahahaha … sorry, couldn’t help myself; generations ahead of her time. Does this make her a Prophet, may she rest in peace ... ?] … Blyton, one of the most prolific European writers, included the Golliwogs in many stories, but she only wrote three books primarily about Golliwogs: The Three Golliwogs (1944), The Proud Golliwog (1951), and The Golliwog Grumbled (1953). Her depictions of Golliwogs are, by contemporary standards, racially insensitive. An excerpt from The Three Golliwogs is illustrative:
‘Once the three bold Golliwogs, Golly, Woggie, and Nigger, decided to go for a walk to Bumble-Bee Common. Golly wasn't quite ready so Woggie and Nigger said they would start off without him, and Golly would catch them up as soon as he could. So off went Woggie and Nigger, arm-in-arm, singing merrily their favourite song - which, as you may guess, was Ten Little Nigger Boys.’
… The Three Golliwogs was reprinted as recently as 1968, and it still contained the above passage. Ten Little Niggers was also the name of a 1939 Agatha Christie novel, whose cover showed a Golliwog lynched, hanging from a noose. "
Why not go over and read it all:
There are some more interesting pages on this site, including a shop, accessed via links on the L/H sidebar.
Note: Sometimes on the internet I use the name Taffiwog. No, I don’t think this is at all offensive. Is there such a thing as a Paddywog, or a Jockiwog? Are you all Wiggiwogs?
... I was only wondering is all.
Is it criminal to have a sense of humour these days, or is it only considered humour when you are a fully paid-up repulsively obese member of the politically correct brigade suggesting, in front of an audience of millions on the BBC, that people send "poo" through the post to BNP members?
At least we know who ate all the pies.
Friday, 6 February 2009
Our Wigan and Leigh group held another successful meeting last night in Leigh.
The meeting was opened by Gary Chadwick followed by the break with hot pot provided by the landlord after which I gave a talk on the lines of "Where We Stand" basically to explain our policies to new attendees and counter the falsehoods spread by the media. This was followed by a question and answer session.
Judging by the reception of the audience and its size, it seems that Leigh is a fertile area for our party and we will seek to expand there in the coming months.
I can understand people who do not know us being influenced by our many enemies in the media and I tried to redress this. I remember being somewhat nervous at attending my first meeting and being very favourably impressed by the members and the moderation of the Party's policies.
The three main parties are united in their opposition to us in spite of being nominally opposed to each other. Their onslaught against us over the last weeks in Hyde showed that there is no difference between them, and they want to preserve their cosy consensus and policies which have led to our financial and social disaster.
They must have had a limited effect and boosted the Labour vote at the expense of the Tories, Lib Dems, Greens and most of all UKIP who only got 33 votes as against our 889.
In spite of their efforts we boosted our share by 2% to nearly 30%,coming second and with more votes than the combined votes of the other four non Labour parties.
Our party, a small party derided as having no future or "no place" in British politics seems to be causing them much concern. The threat of our advance was mentioned on Question Time, This Week and today on Channel 2.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
The union bosses claim that the BNP has highjacked the protests at refineries and power stations round Britain. They claim they act in the interests of their members and British workers.
The link below shows that they were actively encouraging foreign workers to come here and helping them with language lessons.
They must have known that these workers would compete directly with their own members and a looming recession would make jobs harder to find.
If they did not see the danger of unemployment for their members they must be thick. I don't think they are. I think they are bent on the destruction of Britain, in other words traitors who betrayed the members whose union contributions keep them in the lap of luxury.
We have not hijacked anything, nor joined a bandwagon. We forecast this trouble years ago but were called extremists for saying so. We forecast a depression years ago.
The unions didn't.
The Government didn't,
The Tories didn't,
And sad to say "You aint seen nothing yet".
Although in these hard times it seems wrong to say "We told you so", it will perhaps show that we have better answers than the others.
A team of officers examined the REC’s books and earlier this month the council told the trustees that the charity would not be able to continue.
The REC’s senior officer, director Vince Simpson, was apparently unavailable for comment. "
In Stoke, the cleanup started when they elected nine BNP councillors.
Want to start a cleanup of this borough? Want to know exactly what goes on? Want people in there digging away to find out where the money goes and what is done with it when it gets there? If you want change ...
Then you know exactly what to do.