Thursday 7 July 2011


Today the ballot papers have been delivered and we can choose our candidate for leader.
Also there has been an article on the official website urging us to vote in a democratic way and not "destabilise the democratic process"

They say that they are expecting some third party interference who are seeking to destroy our party and they do not have the interests of our party and country at heart.


Who are these third party people.

There are only two candidates so how can pushing the merits of one candidate destabilise the democratic process or how by voting for the challenger Andrew Brons MEP have we not the interests of our country at heart.

It seems that Nick Griffin, even though surrounded by sycophants can see the opposition to his dictatorial rule and financial incompetence is gaining strength.

The fact that most activists (those who know what is going on) have deserted his camp (or been expelled) must have finally got through to him.

Just what are they on about.

There are only two candidates for God's sake.

The new "revised" constitution is mentioned setting out permissible means of communication is mentioned.

Who voted for this constitution. Nobody. It was made up by Griffin.

He has become a dictator using subterfuge and chicanery to consolidate his position, which position he fears losing.
In spite of his claim to have our country's interest at heart he has shown by his recent actions to have only his own and his family's interests (and those of his sycophantic officials) at heart.

Nick Griffin has become a toxic brand. If we are to survive as a party and movement we must vote him out.

Irrespective of his blunders, financial and poitical and his deviousness --



If you believe in our country, YOU MUST VOTE ANDREW BRONS.

I am aware that for writing this piece I will probably be disciplined.
If I am it will only show the democratic deficit in our party and the reason we must change.

If sanctions are invoked against me it would be indeed ironic in that I support the principles of the party and am only promoting one of the two candidates in the election, one who I believe can and will heal the wounds and unite the disparate nationalist strands which have been created as a result of the appalling dictatorship of Nick Griffin

I will keep this blog posted on any repercussions to this article which if they occur would demonstrate the validity of the above arguments.


Cygnus said...

I hope you're not disciplined simply for speaking the truth. Its scary how the Griffin attack dogs have turned on Brons and painted him as somebody out to wreck the party. Blogs I have previously enjoyed reading are now frankly embarrassing themselves with their rabid outbursts. Any comments I have tried to leave questioning their line of thinking never get published (I wonder who inspires them to behave like that). If Brons fails in his leadership challenge, and I suspect that Griffin has many more nasty tricks up his sleeve to ensure that he does, then I fear the BNP is finished. It may limp on as Griffins pension fund, but that'll be it. What these Griffinites fail to understand is that not only is the party at risk, but also the whole nationalist movement. Anyway, good luck mate and the best of British.mply for speaking the truth. Its scary how the Griffin attack dogs have turned on Brons and painted him as somebody out to wreck the party. Blogs I have previously enjoyed reading are now frankly embarrassing themselves with their rabid outbursts. Any comments I have tried to leave questioning their line of thinking never get published (I wonder who inspires them to behave like that). If Brons fails in his leadership challenge, and I suspect that Griffin has many more nasty tricks up his sleeve to ensure that he does, then I fear the BNP is finished. It may limp on as Griffins pension fund, but that'll be it. What these Griffinites fail to understand is that not only is the party at risk, but also the whole nationalist movement. Anyway, good luck mate and the best of British.

Anonymous said...

Well said,

More and more blogs are saying silar things, so there is hope for us yet.

Whatever the outcome of the election I expect Andrew to be leading the new BNP to greater things.

East Midlands member

Anonymous said...

Finally after three and a half years you (Lanky Patriot) have fully woken up to the truth about Nick Griffin. He's a con-man, and that has been obvious since Roger Robertson described how he reacted to reasonable requests to consider the damage Mark Collett was inflicting on the party in Dec 2007.

As for a fair campaign, dream on!

Silly Kuffar said...

Hear, Hear.
I'm with you 100% Lanky.
The problems that face us as a nation and people are too big to play politics with.
A unifying force is needed within the party and Andrew Brons fits the bill.
Nick should realise that and for the sake of our country, people and the Nationalist movement in general should bow out whilst at the peak of his career rather than drag us down as his time and efforts wane.

Anonymous said...

Griffin is by his actions proving himself to be a sleight of hand self centered operator intent on diktat.
That is NOT how you organise and run an open and democratic entity.
What I really feel is the way many many ordinary voters who are not party members are being misled by activists within the Griffin camp.
They don't know what kind of subterfuge is going on concerning the party.
Richard Edmonds,leadership challenge,Griffin seeks to alter the constitution at this point.
Griffin did likewise re: E.Butlers leadership attempt last summer and tried to impose new rules.
Andrew Brons owes the party money,what a conn:,don't believe that for one minute.
What I do believe is that Griffin has full exec: powers over party affairs and is thus responsible for all legal/financial liabilities.
Pray tell me where I can see the independently audited accounts.
Lanky,just what do you mean when you say you might be disciplined by the party,since when in this once great country has free speech without fear or favour been a throwaway item?.
Some guy long ago made a statement and it was this,(When good men do nothing evil will triumph).
I don't know wether the BNP will survive given the current situation as I'm not capable of reading the runes.
However I do know that as regards being patriotic to this country that Mr Griffin and his gang of yes men are,absolute also rans compared to Lanky.
Now I do know that Lanky is an ex Doctor and also I do know that he does have the title of doctor by right unlike someone who is given this title not having gained a doctorate.
Following this theme doctors do know about blood groups.
Lanky and I know he will laugh at this is group P,Griffin is group AFM vis a vis ALL FOR MYSELF.
We once caught a monkfish in Ireland,cheers mate and well done.

Anonymous said...

100% Dr Terence

Anonymous said...

The very simple fact is that you will never get Griffin to allow a democratic challenge to his leadership for two good reasons.

That would allow a full examination of the accounts, and he would then have to explain where all the money had gone.

He sees the BNP as his own personal pension pot.

All efforts on the part of real nationalist, to dethrone Griffin, are simply a waste of time and effort which could be better used helping a real natalist party. Wise up Griffin owns the BNP Lock Stock and Barrel!

Lanky Patriot said...

Re Anonymous,(R).

Yes I remember catching the monkfish in Ireland as well as you getting stopped by the police for speeding. All good fun.

You ask about my being disciplined.

I and my wife have already been summoned for attending as observers a "proscribed" meeting.

Of course we told the official what he could do with his summons.

I believe in democracy and can and will say what I want.

Also there is no sanction they can use against me as I don't care what they do.
However any attempt by the party hierarchy to discipline me will incur my revenge on this blog and in other ways.

I can understand that I should not bring the party into disrepute but that does not prohibit me from criticizing the party leader.

He thinks the party belongs to him.
It does not. It is our party and if we see him hindering its progress it is our duty to criticize.

Cygnus said...

Thats disgusting. Unfortunately if the party suspend enough members who are openly ready to vote for Brons they can chip away at his total support. I suspect there will be many more suspensions, much to the glee of Griffins followers. Its not a political party, its a cult.

John B said...

One Griffin has not suspended or tossed out any one since last year, when he dumped those who chose to go to an unauthorized meeting with the English Democrats. I fully support him in that.
Two Griffin supported the new elected EC board and now since the meeting, all disciplinary actions go through a disciplinary committee run by the board not Griffin.
People who put out disruptive rumours especially rumours that are so easily disproved must be suspect as to either intelligence or loyalty to the political principals of the Party.
If Brons fails in His challenge it will be because of his stupid idea like autonomous branches where each decide theer own nationalist policies.
And Cygnus is ither a foo or a mole I suspect the latter because it looked like a computer is mass posting his stuff and has caused an over run repeat. the next post looks the same.

Blue state digital strikes again with the Ghost posters.

Anonymous said...

People seem surprised by Andrew Brons’ negativity and bile. This is a bit naive, given that he appears to have made no attempt to rein in his senior staff member Eddy Butler who for more than a year now he has allowed to spend hours every day posting pure poison against Nick and the party. Why is he doing this? I think it’s connected with the clash at the General Members’ Meeting over how he and Nick use their European money. Andrew has refused to honour his pre-election pledge to give the BNP the final say on staffing and the use of budgets. He gave back a huge amount of money last year to the European parliament rather than employing good people who could then have done volunteer party work in their spare time instead of having to work all hours just to keep their families fed. We didn’t do all that work to elect someone who would treat the money given to BRITISH NATIONAL PARTY MEPs as his own.
Bob B

Anonymous said...

Re: John B (00:08hrs),

So Griffin is now having to go 6000 miles to find his attack dogs (John B lives in California USA). Which shows I think just how desperate he has become. No reasonable person, who knows anything about the current challenge, could possibly believe these lies about Andrew Brons. Both John b's post and that Anonymous (01:49hrs) are just the latest examples of Griffin's cronies spreading muck.

Griffin really is totally dishonest, and unfit to be in politics representing the British people.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

People who put out disruptive rumours especially rumours that are so easily disproved must be suspect as to either intelligence or loyalty to the political principals of the Party. John B
9 July 2011 00:08

So Griffin is now having to go 6000 miles to find his attack dogs (John B lives in California USA
9 July 2011 10:18 anon

Anon, this is a blog promoting Free speech how is John B a attack dog ? His opinion is as valid as anyone else,

Attack dog, is often used by the UAF, on their blogs, when they attack the BNP, are you on the correct site ?
