As most of you already know Lanky's official Birthday is on the 15th August, and of course last week Lanky's priority was to attend our annual Red White and Blue festival so hence this belated birthday bash for his family and friends alike.
It was a truly fantastic evening, and the DVD played to the guests documenting Lankys 70 years to date was very, very entertaining indeed!
Thanks for a great evening! And especially much gratitude must go to Lanky's long suffering wife Susan, for organising such a wonderful do!
Thank you once again! Cheers!

X-Factor here they come!
If I knew, I would of had the extra impetus to come. It was good to see a team photo of you all.
All the best on your 70th year Charles.
Happy 70th birthday Charles.
From everyone in Lancaster.
We have not known you very long, but long enough to know you are very passionate about the country you live in, also are very sincere and patriotic in the talks you give at the British National Party meetings.
Today is sunday and as your party was on friday you should have got over your hangover by now, so we would like to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY again.? We did congratulate you on the day, but you were a bit worse for wear, So again,
Thanks for that Gary. I've just about recovered. I hope you enjoyed it.
I didn't know you were recording my efforts at singing. I'm always roped in for this at parties but I can't always remember all the words especially after a few beers.
We all enjoyed it and I thought the video of my life was fantastic.
I had no idea about it and didn't miss our radio and pictures which I now see had gone missing, nor did I know why Susan kept nipping out. She says I am not curious enough.
The "I vow to me my Country" with Billinge Hill brought tears to my eyes, it was a good job the lights were off.
The producer of the film, Ian has just retired from putting the sauce in Heinz beans, but he is a whizz on computers and always fixes mine.
The main thing to me was that all my friends enjoyed it and if you did, especially when there were many you did not know, then we're happy.
There were people from all political persuasions, Tories< Labour, woolly headed Liberals and a Communist,and of course BNP, all friends. Just shows how politics and relationships should be, agree to differ without falling out.
Thanks for putting the video on the blog.
Happy Birthday Lanky.
Living proof that we can fight the fight at any age.
Happy birthday Charles,
sorry we missed it.
your long lost relation.
Bloody hell Angela. I didn't know you would have read our Wigan blog.
Thanks for the wishes.
Someday we will come and see you if we can get over our fear of flying.
If ever you are over here you know you will always be welcome.
Love and all the best,
Charles and Susan.
I'm another one who hopes this blog will stay open! Been a longtime lurker, who's read all the comments and discussions and just been enthralled by what I've learned.I can't wait to see what's next on the list!
Removals Lancashire
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