Below is a picture of myself and my wife, two typical fascist thugs if the media are to believed. I want to counter the false statemants by the press about the BNP, as they refuse to give us the right of reply because they know most people would agree with us.
I used to believe that BNP members were goose stepping thugs before I had a look for myself and saw the stories were untrue.
We are a party of all classes from ex Southern counties Tories to working class pitmen, united in our worry for the future of our country and who mix together in a friendly way.
I am not an extremist and would not be part of an extremist organisation.
1 Nick Griffin does not deny the holocaust. He believes it was a crime against humanity. I have heard him say it. He was prosecuted for stating an opinion about one aspect of it. A thought crime.
He is not a Nazi sympathiser. His father fought against them in the war.
2 We do not incite violence.
3 We believe the Gurkahs should be allowed to stay.
4 We would not send all black people back. We would deport illegal immigrants.
5 We are not a party of Nazi thugs.I've never met any in 5 years membership. Many members are ex police. We believe in democracy.
Extremists have tried to join us, believing what they read in the press but have left us saying we are too soft. I know several who have done so.
We do not fight but are often attacked by left wing thugs.
6 They say we would prevent women from working. Untrue. Nick Griffin's wife works.
7 Many statements about us in the press are untrue. I know because I was there on several occasions.
We would come out of the EU as it is against British interests because--
a It has ruined our fisheries.
b It puts our farmers at a disadvantage compared with European farmers.
c It costs us £40 million per day.
d We never voted for it. It hampers our ability to modernise our industry. It is undemocratic.
e It sets our taxes to suit other countries, not us.
f It wants to admit Turkey, a country of 80 million poor muslims, many of whom would come here.
g If it continues it will achieve by stealth what Hitler tried to do. Take over our country.
1 The Post Office should remain in British control.
2 The power and water utilities should be under British control.
3 The tax burden on manufacturing industries should be reduced so that they can compete. Proper apprenticeships should be re introduced.
4 That all who can work should.
5 That our industrial assets should not be sold abroad. They should be built up again with the money now given to the EU.
6 That the education system should be improved and proper subjects such as Maths, Science and Languages should have priority over subjects like Dance and Drama.
7 That political correctness and positive discrimination should be stopped and people promoted on merit and not race.
8 That criminals should be punished and not sent to "Holiday Camps".
9 That we should not be involved in foreign wars like Afganistan and Iraq. Our soldiers should be brought home and well armed and only used to protect our country.
10 We should protect our agriculture to ensure our future food supply.
11 We would continue to trade with all countries in a friendly way as does Switzerland.
12 We should use the money given to the banks to help industry and not the City of London.
13 Any corrupt politician would be sacked and prosecuted.
We have all done jobs in the outside world and know what hard work is.
The other parties and press are beholden to foreign owners to whom this country means nothing.
We believe in our country and its people and WOULD ALWAYS PUT THEIR INTERESTS FIRST.
Come and see what we are like as I did and see the truth, but first, above all
1 comment:
Great local posting which really does show the media lies up for what they are; total lies!
I'd like to say that you represent the best of the BNP's membership, but in reality I think both Charles and Sue are simply typical of our membership. But then again that does make them special people in my humble opinion.
On June 4th I'll be voting BNP.
Chris Hill
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