Tuesday 17 May 2011


It might have appeared to any man watching affairs in the earlier
years of the seventh century_say from 600 to 630_that only one great main
assault having been made against the Church, Arianism and its derivatives,
that assault having been repelled and the Faith having won its victory, it
was now secure for an indefinite time.

        Christendom would have to fight for its life, of course, against
outward unchristian things, that is, against Paganism. The nature
worshippers of the high Persian civilization to the east would attack us
in arms and try to overwhelm us. The savage paganism of barbaric tribes,
Scandinavian, German, Slav and Mongol, in the north and centre of Europe
would also attack Christendom and try to destroy it. The populations
subject to Byzantium would continue to parade heretical views as a label
for their grievances. But the main effort of heresy, at least, had
failed_so it seemed. Its object, the undoing of a united Catholic
civilization, had been missed. The rise of no major heresy need henceforth
be feared, still less the consequent disruption of Christendom.

        By A.D. 630 all Gaul had long been Catholic.  The last of the
Arian generals and their garrisons in Italy and Spain had become orthodox.
The Arian generals and garrisons of Northern Africa had been conquered by
the orthodox armies of the Emperor.

        It was just at this moment, a moment of apparently universal and
permanent Catholicism, that there fell an unexpected blow of overwhelming
magnitude and force. Islam arose_quite suddenly.  It came out of the
desert and overwhelmed half our civilization.
Go and read it all - it was written in 1937, so our elites cannot say "We didn't
know the nature of what we were letting in" 

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